Finance and Administration Committee

Tom Davies Square

Councillor McIntosh, Chair


4:00 p.m. Closed Session, Committee Room C-12 / Electronic Participation

6:00 p.m. Open Session, Council Chamber / Electronic Participation


City of Greater Sudbury Council and Committee meetings are accessible and generally held in the Council Chamber at Tom Davies Square unless otherwise stated on the agenda.  Some meetings are broadcast on Eastlink at Eastlink’s discretion.  With the exception of closed meetings held in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, meetings are open to the public for attendance in-person.  Where possible, meetings are livestreamed and the recordings are saved for public viewing on the City’s website at:

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Resolution to move to Closed Session to deal with one Personal Matters (Identifiable Individual(s)) / Labour Relations or Employee Negotiations item regarding the 2025 budget in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, par. 239(2)(b) and (d).









At this point in the meeting, the Chair of the Closed Session, will rise and report. Council will then consider any resolution(s) emanating from the Closed Session.



This presentation is regarding the 2025 Budget. 

This presentation is regarding the 2025 Budget. 

This presentation is regarding the 2025 Budget. 










No Item Selected