Community and Emergency Services Committee

Tom Davies Square

Councillor Lapierre, Chair



4:30 p.m.  Open Session Council Chamber / Electronic Participation


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This report provides a recommendation for a non-competitive single source purchase of seventy-four (74) Automated External Defibrillators (AED’s) as part of the 2024-2027 capital budget program to deploy public access defibrillators on public transit.

This report provides a recommendation regarding strategies to support the Paramedic Services Advanced Care Paramedic (ACP) staffing levels and provides strategic short and long-term recommendations, which includes supporting employee ACP tuition.



As presented by Councillor Parent:

WHEREAS the GOVA transit route #106 Valley-Dominion does not currently service the Valleyview Drive and Belisle Drive corridors which contain several schools and businesses, including those in the Valley East Industrial Park;

AND WHEREAS recruitment and retention challenges are faced by many of the employers in those areas in part as a result of the lack of public transportation;

AND WHEREAS the City of Greater Sudbury’s Strategic Plan Priority of Economic Capacity and Investment Readiness can be supported through a service level change initiative which can ensure resiliency and competitiveness for small and large scale employers along those corridors;

AND WHEREAS a service level change may also significantly increase transit ridership along route #106;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Route #106 be altered, as a pilot project between April 19th, 2025, to November 28th, 2025, to include transit service to the Valleyview and Belisle Drive area pursuant to current route service level frequency;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this service level increase of $23,870 will form part of the 2025 year-end position for Transit;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a business case be submitted for the 2026-2027 Budget that analyzes permanent implementation of the service.

This report provides information regarding a quarterly update with respect to operational issues, activities, and accomplishments in support of resident safety goals, objectives, and good news stories for Pioneer Manor.






