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Report dated June 15, 2017 from the General Manager regarding Arena/Event Centre Update.
(This report summarizes PWC Phase II Event Centre Report and recommends next steps.)
Full Report
Arena_Event Centre Update June15_2017 (pdf)
Appendix A Greater Sudbury Event Centre - Site Evaluation Report (pdf)
June 27 Council Site Selection Presentation Revised (pdf)
- Ron Bidulka, Managing Director, PriceCoopersWaterhouse Consultants
Request for Report for Removal of Ice Blading/Scraping Debris from Driveway Entrances
As presented by Councillor Sizer:
WHEREAS the City of Greater Sudbury performs ice blading/scraping operations when winter road conditions require removal of ice and slush;
AND WHEREAS the ice blading/scraping operations can often result in a large amount of ice shavings, ice chunks and/or slush being deposited in driveway entrances;
AND WHEREAS the City of Greater Sudbury only performs the removal of ice chunks and/or slush in driveway entrances resulting from ice blading/scraping operations under certain circumstances;
AND WHEREAS the removal of these ice shavings, ice chunks or slush from driveway entrances can be very challenging for residents;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to bring a report to the Operations Committee at its September 18th, 2017 meeting outlining the current process for ice blading/scraping operations and removal of ice chunks, slush and/or ice shavings resulting from those operations from driveway entrances, including a business case outlining the cost for the provision of consistent removal of ice blading/scraping debris from driveway entrances, to be included as part of the 2018 budget deliberations.
Lafontaine Street Fire Hall
As presented by Councillor Lapierre:
WHEREAS the fire station currently located at 4680 Lafontaine Street in Hanmer was originally built in 1958;
AND WHEREAS in 2013-2014, $164,000 in capital dollars were invested to the outside of that building;
AND WHEREAS the size of the garage in this Fire Hall is of an inappropriate size to accommodate some of the new fire apparatus;
AND WHEREAS the current size and structure of the building cannot be retrofitted to meet the new recommended health and safety guidelines;
AND WHEREAS in November of 2016, the Chief Building Official issued an Order to Remedy an unsafe situation to the second story to the building and in May of 2017, issued another Order to Remedy structural issues to be reviewed by structural engineers;
AND WHEREAS the current location of this Fire Hall is considered legal non-conforming in regards to the zoning for the activity;
AND WHEREAS this Fire Hall responds to an annual average of 31 calls (2015-2016) for service per year;
AND WHEREAS Paramedic Services’ call volume for Valley East has increased by 22.1% since 2011, and may require additional Paramedic Services for this area in the near future;
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to develop a business case that will include, Fire Hall location options to maximize response times for Paramedic and Fire services, any and all costs associated with each option, as well as financial options to cover the costs, and include this into the 2018 budget process.
Request for the Installation of Portable Toilet Facilities at All Neighbourhood and Community Parks operated by the City of Greater Sudbury
As presented by Councillor Kirwan:
WHEREAS the City of Greater Sudbury is committed to maintain public spaces which provide opportunities for children, families and seniors to enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle;
AND WHEREAS staff has identified 137 neighbourhood and community parks which do not have a portable toilet available for use by visitors;
AND WHEREAS the estimated budget required for the addition of a standard portable toilet at these sites is $95,000 based on a 5 month season;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Greater Sudbury be directed to ensure that all neighbourhood and community parks have at least one standard portable toilet, and that funding for the additional toileting facilities for the 2017 season be attained from the 2017 tax rate stabilization fund.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT ongoing funding for this additional service be brought forward as a business case during the 2018 budget deliberations.