City Council

Tom Davies Square

Tom Davies Square


Mayor Paul Lefebvre, Chair



4:00 p.m.  Closed Session, Committee Room C-12 / Electronic Participation

6:00 p.m.  Open Session, Council Chamber / Electronic Participation


City of Greater Sudbury Council and Committee meetings are accessible and generally held in the Council Chamber at Tom Davies Square unless otherwise stated on the agenda.  Some meetings are broadcast on Eastlink at Eastlink’s discretion.  With the exception of closed meetings held in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, meetings are open to the public for attendance in-person.  Where possible, meetings are livestreamed and the recordings are saved for public viewing on the City’s website at:

Please be advised that if you make a presentation, speak or appear at the meeting venue during a meeting, you, your comments and/or your presentation may be recorded and broadcast.

By submitting information, including print or electronic information, for presentation to City Council or Committee you are indicating that you have obtained the consent of persons whose personal information is included in the information to be disclosed to the public.

Your information is collected for the purpose of informed decision-making and transparency of City Council decision-making under various municipal statutes and by-laws and in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, Planning Act, Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the City of Greater Sudbury’s Procedure By-law.

For more information regarding accessibility, recording your personal information or live-streaming, please contact Clerk’s Services by calling 3-1-1 or emailing [email protected].







Resolution to move to Closed Session to deal with one Litigation or Potential Litigation / Solicitor-Client Privilege item regarding a construction contract and one Position, Plan or Instruction to be Applied to Negotiations item regarding the transfer of Part III prosecutions under the Provincial Offences Act and one addendum to deal with one Acquisition or Disposition of Land item regarding a property on Elgin Street, Sudbury in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, par. 239(2)(c), (e), (f) and (k).













The SNOLAB was invited by Councillor Signoretti. The presentation by Dr. Jodi Cooley, Executive Director, SNOLAB, will provide an update regarding the SNOLAB’s strategy and success stories.

At this point in the meeting, the Chair of the Closed Session, will rise and report. Council will then consider any resolution(s) emanating from the Closed Session.



Council will consider, by way of one resolution, Operations Committee resolutions, which will be posted online following the meeting. Any questions regarding the resolutions should be directed to Councillor Signoretti, Chair, Operations Committee.





Council will consider, by way of one resolution, Audit Committee resolutions, which will be posted online following the meeting. Any questions regarding the resolutions should be directed to Councillor McIntosh, Chair, Audit Committee.



Council will consider, by way of one resolution, Finance and Administration Committee resolutions, which will be posted online following the meeting. Any questions regarding the resolutions should be directed to Councillor McIntosh, Chair, Finance and Administration Committee.



Council will consider, by way of one resolution, Hearing Committee resolutions, which will be posted online following the meeting. Any questions regarding the resolutions should be directed to Councillor Signoretti, Chair, Hearing Committee. 



Council will consider, by way of one resolution, Planning Committee resolutions, which will be posted online following the meeting. Any questions regarding the resolutions should be directed to Councillor Cormier, Chair, Planning Committee.



For the purpose of convenience and for expediting meetings, matters of business of repetitive or routine nature are included in the Consent Agenda, and all such matters of business contained in the Consent Agenda are voted on collectively.

A particular matter of business may be singled out from the Consent Agenda for debate or for a separate vote upon the request of any Councillor. In the case of a separate vote, the excluded matter of business is severed from the Consent Agenda, and only the remaining matters of business contained in the Consent Agenda are voted on collectively.

Each and every matter of business contained in the Consent Agenda is recorded separately in the minutes of the meeting.





Draft by-laws are available for viewing a week prior to the meeting on the agenda. Approved by-laws are available on the City's website: after passage.

The following by-laws will be read and passed:




A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Confirm the Proceedings of Council at its Special Meeting of May 28, 2024 and its Regular Meeting of June 25, 2024.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Repeal By-law 2023-150 being a By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2015-87 being a By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Create the Position of Chief Administrative Officer

City Council Resolution #CC2024-114

This by-law repeals By-law 2023-150 in accordance with the direction of Council.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2018-121 being a By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury Respecting the Appointment of Officials of the City

This by-law updates certain appointments to reflect staff changes.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2023-02 being a By-Law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Appoint Councillors to Certain Boards and Corporations

City Council Resolution #CC2024-109

This amending by-law appoints a Councillor to a vacancy to the Nickel District Conservation Authority.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Authorize the Payment of Grants from the Healthy Community Initiative Fund, Various Wards

Community and Emergency Services Committee Resolution #CES2024-15

This by-law authorizes grants funded through the Healthy Community Initiative Fund for various wards.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Authorize Certain Grants under the Transportation Demand Management Community Grant Program

Refer to Report under Correspondence for Information Only, Operations Committee meeting of May 21, 2024

This by-law authorizes grants funded through the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Community Grant Program.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Authorize a Master Services Agreement with Circular Materials Ontario for Blue Box Material Collection

City Council Resolution #CC2024-111

This by-law authorizes the General Manger of Growth and Infrastructure to enter into a Master Services Agreement with Circular Materials Ontario for continued Blue Box material collection, and promotion and education of Blue Box materials, during the transition period.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Authorize a Licence Confirming and Amending Agreement with Bell Media Inc. with respect to the Communication Tower Located at 699 Frood Road, Sudbury

Planning Committee Resolution #PL2024-77

This by-law authorizes the City Solicitor and Clerk to enter into a License Confirming and Amending Agreement with Bell Media Inc. for the continued use of the communication tower located at 699 Frood Road, Sudbury up to and including June 30, 2028 with terms and conditions as agreed to.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Authorize the Sale of Vacant Land East of Smelter Road, Coniston Described as Part of PIN 73560-0946(LT) and Part of PIN 73560-0944(LT), being Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 53R-22015 to Coniston Industrial Park Ltd.

Planning Committee Resolution #PL2023-157


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2023-04 being a By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury regarding Committees of Council and Advisory Panels

This by-law amends the Terms of Reference of the Museum and Heritage Advisory Panel to increase the membership from 11 to 13 members.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2010-100Z being the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the City of Greater Sudbury

Planning Committee Resolution PL2024-76

The amending by-law adds the definition of “Short-Term Rental” to the City’s Zoning By-law.  This by-law applies to all lands within the City of Greater Sudbury.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury With Respect to Development Charges

Refer to Report under Managers’ Reports, Finance and Administration Committee meeting of May 22, 2024.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Establish the Rates for All Services Excluding Parks and Recreation Services, Roads and Related Services, Water Services, and Wastewater Services Pursuant to By-law 2024-105 being a By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury with Respect to Development Charges

Refer to Report under Managers’ Reports, Finance and Administration Committee meeting of May 22, 2024.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Establish the Rates for Parks and Recreation Services Pursuant to By-law 2024-105 being a By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury with Respect to Development Charges

Refer to Report under Managers’ Reports, Finance and Administration Committee meeting of May 22, 2024.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Establish the Rates for Road and Related Services Pursuant to By-law 2024-105 being a By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury with Respect to Development Charges

Refer to Report under Managers’ Reports, Finance and Administration Committee meeting of May 22, 2024.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Establish the Rates for Water Services Pursuant to By-law 2024-105 being a By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury with Respect to Development Charges

Refer to Report under Managers’ Reports, Finance and Administration Committee meeting of May 22, 2024.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Establish the Rates for Wastewater Services Pursuant to By-law 2024-105 being a By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury with Respect to Development Charges

Refer to Report under Managers’ Reports, Finance and Administration Committee meeting of May 22, 2024.





As presented by Mayor Lefebvre:

WHEREAS the Greater Sudbury community recently experienced the loss of Council members in Wards 2 and 3, being the late Councillor Michael Vagnini and the late Councillor Gerry Montpellier, respectively;

AND WHEREAS the deceased Councillors were strong advocates who demonstrated a passion and unwavering dedication for the wards they represented;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT in recognition for their commitment and dedication to the community, the City of Greater Sudbury approves the naming of the Community Hall located in the T.M. Davies Community Centre and Arena to the Michael Vagnini Community Hall and the renaming of the Whitson River Trail to the Gerry Montpellier Trail.

As presented by Councillor Parent:

WHEREAS during the 2024-2025 budget deliberations, City Council approved the 2024-2025 budget which included a new user fee to implement a $5 flat rate gate fee per landfill and transfer station visit;

AND WHEREAS the implementation of the flat rate gate fee was not presented as a business case for the 2024-2025 budget as it had been in the 2023 budget, which business case did not receive Council support at that time;

AND WHEREAS By-law 2024-28 to Establish Miscellaneous User Fees which includes the landfill gate fee at Schedule G&I-2, was read and passed by City Council  on February 27th, 2024 by Resolution CC2024-49;

AND WHEREAS City Council wishes to reconsider the implementation of the $5 flat rate gate fee per landfill and transfer station visit;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Resolution CC2024-49 be reconsidered.

If granted by a 2/3 majority, the following motion would then be considered:

WHEREAS had the option to implement the $5 flat rate gate fee per landfill and transfer station visit been presented to Council as a business case during the 2024-2025 budget deliberations, it would likely not have received majority support from Council;

AND WHEREAS City Council wants the $5 flat rate gate fee eliminated from By-law 2024-28 to Establish Miscellaneous User Fees;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to present an amending By-law to City Council to remove the $5 flat rate gate fee per landfill and transfer station visit, and that the fee not be implemented on July 1st as planned.

As presented by Councillor Labbée:

WHEREAS on June 27th, 2023, City Council passed resolution CC2023-138 which read as follows:

As amended:
THAT staff be directed to leave the Beaver Lake station open;
AND FURTHER THAT staff be directed to expand efforts to recruit and retain volunteers at the Beaver Lake station with a requirement to meet the average number of volunteers for all stations within one year and that an automatic aid agreement be negotiated at that time if required;

AND WHEREAS efforts to recruit 2 trainers did not materialize until early in 2024, delaying the training for new volunteer firefighter recruits, which prevents the Beaver Lake station from meeting the required number of trained volunteers within the one-year target in the resolution;

AND WHEREAS City Council would like the Beaver Lake station to succeed in its efforts to remain open;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution CC2023-138 be reconsidered.


If granted by a 2/3 majority, the following motion would then be considered:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution CC2023-138 be amended to read as follows:

As amended:
THAT staff be directed to leave the Beaver Lake station open;
AND FURTHER THAT staff be directed to expand efforts to recruit and retain volunteers at the Beaver Lake station with a requirement to meet the average number of volunteers for all stations by September 15th, 2025, and that an automatic aid agreement be negotiated at that time if required.



This report provides information regarding the status of volunteer recruitment, retention activities and the City’s progress in meeting firefighter certification requirements found within O. Reg 343/22 Fire Fighter Certification.






