Finance and Administration Committee

Tom Davies Square

Tom Davies Square


Councillor McIntosh, Chair


6:00 p.m. Open Session, Council Chamber / Electronic Participation


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This report to follow and presentation will provide information regarding the 2023 Annual Report.

This report and presentation will provide information regarding the corporation’s financial condition over the next 10 years. A model of anticipated revenues and expenditures from 2025 to 2034 indicates that the City’s financial condition should remain relatively and comparatively strong.



This report provides information regarding the City’s year-end financial position and requests a change in the frequency of variance reporting from quarterly to semi-annually.

This report provides recommendations regarding a review of certain incentive programs within the City’s Community Improvement Plans in response to Council direction.

This report provides a recommendation regarding benefit improvements in mental health supports for all eligible active non-union employees and benefit improvements in key areas of vision care, hearing aids and paramedical services for non-union retirees.

This report provides information regarding an update on the City’s 2024 annual debt repayment limit as determined by the Province.

This report provides information regarding the investment activities for the year and certifies that all investments made in the year 2023 were in compliance with both City’s Investment Policy (Bylaw 2010-246F) and Ontario Regulations 655/05.



This report provides information regarding a 2023 financial statement of this reserve fund under the Planning Act which requires the City Treasurer to present an annual financial statement about the payment-in-lieu of parkland (Parks Reserve Fund).

This report provides information regarding an update on Section 391 charges collected up to December 31, 2023 to the Finance and Administration Committee.






