
For the Future-Ready Development Services Ad-Hoc Committee Meeting

Tom Davies Square
Present (Mayor and Councillors)
  • Councillor Fortin, 
  • Councillor Parent, 
  • Councillor Cormier, 
  • Councillor Landry-Altmann, 
  • and Mayor Lefebvre 
City Officials
  • Ed Archer, Chief Administrative Officer, 
  • Kris Longston, Director of Planning Services, 
  • Guido Mazza, Director-Building Services/Chief Building Official, 
  • Marie Litalien, Director of Communications & Community Engagements, 
  • Meredith Armstrong, Director of Economic Development, 
  • Renee Higgins, Director of Data Analytics and Change, 
  • Dawn Noel de Tilly, Chief of Staff, 
  • Danielle Derochie, Deputy City Clerk, 
  • Regina Sgueglia, Clerk's Services Assistant, 
  • and Rory Whitehouse, Clerk's Services Assistant 

His Worship Mayor Paul Lefebvre, In the Chair



The meeting commenced at 2:01 p.m.



A roll call was conducted.



Renee Higgins, Director of Data Analytics & Change, and Raili Lakanen, Public Policy and Communications Coordinator, provided an electronic presentation regarding a summary of the final report for the project.

  • The following resolution was presented: 

    Moved ByMayor Lefebvre
    Seconded ByCouncillor Cormier

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to provide a report by September 30, 2024 responding to the report entitled “Accelerating Growth and Development in Greater Sudbury: 2024 Report of the Future-Ready Development Services Ad-Hoc Committee” presented by the Chief Administrative Officer at the FutureReady Development Services Ad-Hoc Committee meeting of May 1, 2024 which, among other details:

    A) Comments on the feasibility and legislative ability of the municipality to adopt the 54 Calls for Action, 
    B) Provides an Implementation Plan and estimate of resource requirements, and 
    C) Includes a schedule for addressing each element of the Implementation Plan.




No Motions were presented.



No Addendum was presented.



No Petitions were submitted.



No Questions were asked.



Mayor Lefebvre moved to adjourn the meeting. Time: 3:00 p.m.


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