
For the City Council Meeting

Tom Davies Square
Present (Mayor and Councillors)
  • Councillor Signoretti, 
  • Councillor Benoit, 
  • Councillor Brabant, 
  • Councillor Fortin, 
  • Councillor Parent, 
  • Councillor Lapierre, 
  • Councillor Labbée, 
  • Councillor Sizer, 
  • Councillor McIntosh, 
  • Councillor Cormier, 
  • Councillor Landry-Altmann, 
  • and Mayor Lefebvre 
  • Councillor Leduc 
City Officials
  • Ed Archer, Chief Administrative Officer, 
  • Kevin Fowke, General Manager of Corporate Services, 
  • Tony Cecutti, General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, 
  • Steve Jacques, General Manager of Community Development, 
  • Joseph Nicholls, General Manager of Community Safety, 
  • Marie Litalien, Director of Communications & Community Engagements, 
  • Meredith Armstrong, Director of Economic Development, 
  • Kelly Gravelle, Deputy City Solicitor, 
  • Ron Foster, Auditor General, 
  • Andre Guillot, Manager of Building Inspection Services, 
  • Denise Clement, Manager of Permits and Approvals Integration, 
  • Kyla Bell, Manager of Revenue Services, 
  • Dawn Noel de Tilly, Chief of Staff, 
  • Eric Labelle, City Solicitor and Clerk, 
  • Regina Sgueglia, Clerk's Services Assistant, 
  • Srijana Rasaily, Clerk's Services Assistant, 
  • and Rory Whitehouse, Clerk's Services Assistant 

His Worship Mayor Paul Lefebvre, In the Chair



The meeting commenced at 6:00 p.m.



Those present at the meeting observed a moment of silent reflection.



A roll call was conducted.

None declared.

Rules of Procedure

Mayor Lefebvre moved that the order of the agenda be altered to deal with item 11. Addendum first.




Rules of Procedure

Mayor Lefebvre moved that the addendum be dealt with.


  • The following resolution was presented: 

    Moved ByCouncillor Cormier
    Seconded ByCouncillor McIntosh

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury read and pass By-law 2024-54.


    Mayor Lefebvre administered the Declaration of Office and Oaths of Allegiance to the newly appointed Councillor Eric Benoit and Councillor Michel Brabant.

    Councillor Benoit arrived at 6:06 p.m.

    Councillor Brabant arrived at 6:06 p.m.



Councillor Cormier, as Chair of the Planning Committee, reported on the matters arising from the Planning Committee meeting of March 18, 2024.

The resolutions for the March 18, 2024 Planning Committee meeting can be found at: https://www.greatersudbury.ca/agendas

  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Cormier
    Seconded ByCouncillor Lapierre

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves Planning Committee resolutions PL2024-39 to PL2024-51 from the meeting of March 18, 2024.



  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Lapierre
    Seconded ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves Consent Agenda items 6.1.1 to 6.1.3.


    The following are the Consent Agenda items:


  • CC2024-57
    Moved ByCouncillor Lapierre
    Seconded ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury adopts Planning Committee meeting minutes of January 29, 2024. 

  • CC2024-58
    Moved ByCouncillor Lapierre
    Seconded ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury adopts Planning Committee meeting minutes of February 12, 2024. 

  • CC2024-59
    Moved ByCouncillor Lapierre
    Seconded ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury adopts Community and Emergency Services Committee meeting minutes of  February 20, 2024. 




Denise Clement, Manager of Permits and Approvals Integration, provided electronic presentation regarding Derelict Building Regulatory Framework Review.

  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann
    Seconded ByCouncillor Parent

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to bring forward a report in Q2 2025 to review the effectiveness of Vacant Building By-laws and Vacant Building Registries in Ontario municipalities as outlined in the report titled “Derelict Building Regulatory Framework Review”, from the General Manager of Growth & Infrastructure, presented at the City Council meeting on March 19, 2024.

  • Rules of Procedure

    Councillor Labbee moved to amend the resolution.

    The following amendment was presented:

    Moved ByMayor Lefebvre
    Seconded ByCouncillor Labbée

    THAT the resolution be amended to replace Q2 2025 with Q3 2024 and include the following:

    AND THAT the report include information regarding any City owned properties that are considered to be derelict.

  • The following main resolution as amended was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann
    Seconded ByCouncillor Parent

    As Amended:

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to bring forward a report in Q3 2024 to review the effectiveness of Vacant Building By-laws and Vacant Building Registries in Ontario municipalities as outlined in the report titled “Derelict Building Regulatory Framework Review”, from the General Manager of Growth & Infrastructure, presented at the City Council meeting on March 19, 2024.

    AND THAT the report include information regarding any City owned properties that are considered to be derelict.

  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Sizer
    Seconded ByCouncillor Lapierre

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury direct staff to review language in the current Development Charges By-law 2019-100 to extend the redevelopment period to encourage the demolition of derelict buildings and provide sufficient time to encourage redevelopment as outlined in the report titled “Derelict Building Regulatory Framework Review”, from the General Manager of Growth & Infrastructure, presented at the City Council meeting on March 19, 2024.

  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Signoretti
    Seconded ByCouncillor Benoit

    THAT, the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to review the Property Standards By-law 2007-109 and bring forward a report in Q2 2025 recommending amendments that would be appropriate to the level of service required to enforce standards for vacant derelict properties and add specific provisions for heritage-designated properties as outlined in the report entitled” Derelict Building Regulatory Framework Review”, from the General Manager of Growth & Infrastructure, presented at the City Council meeting on March 19, 2024

  • Rules of Procedure

    Councillor Sizer moved to amend the resolution.

    The following amendment was presented: 

    Moved ByMayor Lefebvre
    Seconded ByCouncillor Signoretti

    THAT the resolution be amended to replace Q2 2025 with Q3 2024.

  • Mayor Lefebvre moved to waive reading of the resolution.

    The following main resolution as amended was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Signoretti
    Seconded ByCouncillor Benoit

    As Amended:

    THAT, the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to review the Property Standards By-law 2007-109 and bring forward a report in Q3 2024 recommending amendments that would be appropriate to the level of service required to enforce standards for vacant derelict properties and add specific provisions for heritage-designated properties as outlined in the report entitled” Derelict Building Regulatory Framework Review”, from the General Manager of Growth & Infrastructure, presented at the City Council meeting on March 19, 2024



  • The following resolution was provided:

    Moved ByCouncillor Cormier
    Seconded ByCouncillor Parent

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury read and pass By-law 2024-39 to By-law 2024-53Z.




The following are the by-laws:


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Confirm the Proceedings of Council at its Meeting of March 19, 2024


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Authorize the Payment of Grants from the Healthy Community Initiative Fund, Various Wards

Community and Emergency Services Committee Resolution #CES2024-02

This by-law authorizes grants funded through the Healthy Community Initiative Fund for various Wards.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Authorize a Grant to the Greater Sudbury Market Association

This by-law authorizes the annual grant to Greater Sudbury Market Association of right of use of municipal property and the amount of $20,000 for operating costs which was confirmed in the budget process.


A By-Law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Authorize Grants Under the Strategic Core Areas Community Improvement Plan

Planning Committee Resolution PL2024-37

This By-law authorizes certain grants under the Strategic Core Areas Community Improvement Plan and authorizes the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure to sign the grant agreements with the recipient of the grants.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Authorize an Agreement with Nickel District Conservation Authority for Provision of Non-Mandatory Programs and Services

Refer to Report under “Correspondence for Information Only”.

This by-law authorizes the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure to enter into a Programs and Services Support Agreement to obtain at the City’s costs certain Category 2 non-mandatory services from Nickel District Conservation Authority all in accordance with Ontario Regulation 686/21.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Authorize the Purchase of 196 Van Horne Street, Sudbury Described as PIN 73584-0245(R) Part Lot 255, Plan 2SA being Parts 1 and 2, Plan 53R-12736 from Sudbury Multicultural-Folk Arts Association

City Council Resolution # CC2024-37

This by-law authorizes the exercise of the option to purchase the property and the subsequent demolition of the building(s) located thereon as part of the land holding for possible future development in the South District Project.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Authorize an Agreement with Sudbury Multicultural-Folk Arts Association for a Contribution to Operating Costs by Provision of Facilities

City Council Resolution #CC2024-37

This by-law authorizes an agreement to contribute to the operating costs of Sudbury Multicultural-Folk Arts Association by way of provision of facilities at Tom Davies Square.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Approve the Expropriation of Land Municipally Known as 187 Shaughnessy Street, Sudbury being PIN 73584-0235(LT), Lot 240, Plan 2SA and part of Lot 239, Plan 2SA

City Council Resolution #CC2024-38

This by-law approves the expropriation of land municipally known as 187 Shaughnessy Street,  Sudbury for the South District Event Centre Development Opportunity project.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Change the Name of Part of Sanitary Landfill Road to Northern Road

Planning Committee Resolution #PL2024-36

This by-law renames Sanitary Landfill Road to Northern Road to better reflect the mixed nature of the road.  The new name is consistent with the Street Naming and Numbering Policy.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Declare Certain Parcels of Land to be Part of the City Road System

This by-law is presented to Council from time to time.  It provides for all the small “bits and pieces” of roadway that have been purchased or otherwise acquired by the City for road purposes to be formally declared as roads.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Authorize the Vesting into the City’s Name of Certain Parcels of Vacant Land within the City of Greater Sudbury and to Write Off the Outstanding Taxes for the Properties

Planning Committee Resolution #PL2024-35

This by-law authorizes the vesting of two properties after a failed tax sale and write-off of outstanding taxes and penalties.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2010-100Z being the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the City of Greater Sudbury

Planning Committee Resolution #PL2023-18

This by-law rezones the subject lands to “R3(95)”, Medium Density Special in order to permit a row dwelling building containing four (4) residential dwelling units with clarification that Hemlock Street shall be the front lot line and that four parking spaces shall be provided for four (4) dwelling units - Margaret Anne Mazzuca & Todd Mazzuca, 35 Coulson Street, Capreol.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2010-100Z being the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the City of Greater Sudbury

Planning Committee Resolution #PL2024-27

This by-law rezones the rezones the subject lands to “R3(96)”, Medium Density Special in order to permit three street townhouse dwelling units with a minimum lot depth of 25 metres - Barne Building and Construction Inc., 15 Levesque Street, Sudbury.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2010-100Z being the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the City of Greater Sudbury

Planning Committee Resolution #PL2024-19

This by-law rezones the subject lands to “I(46)”, Institutional Special in order to prevent a split-zoning, which would result from a consent for a lot addition to abutting lands known municipally as 2307 Algonquin Road in Sudbury - Hautamaki Estates Limited, Algonquin Road, Sudbury.


A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2010-100Z being the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the City of Greater Sudbury

Planning Committee Resolution #PL2024-31

This by-law amends the “H40” – Holding zone provisions to permit an additional 19 units prior to construction of a public road connection to Maurice Street or Tuscany Trail.   The application would permit 20 row dwelling units to be added to the existing Billiard’s Green development, for a total of 64 row dwelling units.  A total of 74 units would be permitted in the entire area affected by the H40 Holding provisions where 55 are currently permitted - Dalron Construction Limited, 250 Billiard’s Way, Sudbury.



No Motions were presented.



Councillor Landry-Altmann submitted a petition to the City Clerk which will be forwarded to the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure. The petition is regarding a request for an advanced green traffic light to be erected on the west bound turning lane on Lasalle Boulevard at 901 Lasalle Blvd.



Please visit: https://www.greatersudbury.ca/agendas to view questions asked.



Mayor Lefebvre moved to adjourn the meeting. Time: 7:08 p.m.