The following motion was withdrawn by Councillor Fortin:
WHEREAS Resolution Number CC2023-239 was passed unanimously by the City of Greater Sudbury on September 26 directing staff to draft a strategy that will provide a road map to end homelessness in the City of Greater Sudbury by 2030;
AND WHEREAS as part of its ongoing efforts to assist the unhoused and reduce homelessness the City of Greater Sudbury, the GSDC, and the downtown BIA have developed financial and operating partnerships with outside groups;
AND WHEREAS existing and future operating programs should be measured by their overall effectiveness towards achieving the goal to end homelessness by 2030;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that notwithstanding Schedule A of by-law 2017-5 Respecting the Delegation of Authority to Various Employees of the City, direction from Council, with the exception of any emergency or unforeseen exceptional circumstances, is required for any new programs or partnership agreements regarding homelessness services and/or any extensions, changes or amendments to any existing agreements or programs, beyond their current terms or approved budget, including government grant funding and surpluses within existing programs
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a report to Council will be prepared prior to any new program or any extensions, changes or amendments to any existing agreements or programs beyond their current terms or approved budget, including government grant funding and surpluses within existing programs for homelessness providing details on how the new or existing program will meet the goal of ending homelessness by 2030.