As presented by Councillors Parent and Lapierre:
WHEREAS the City of Greater Sudbury is committed to and will continue to work towards making its facilities, programs and services accessible to all citizens;
AND WHEREAS access to recreation is a vital part in creating a sense of community for residents of the City of Greater Sudbury and one way to achieve successful access to recreation is to improve and increase the number of accessible parking at recreational facilities;
AND WHEREAS the City of Greater Sudbury is in the process of coordinating Barrier-free Accessibility Assessments on most of its facilities, including arenas, which would review the number of parking stalls, types of accessible parking spaces required, signage and pathways of travel;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury direct staff to present a report to the Community and Emergency Services Committee prior to the 2025 budget review discussions, which would include the accessible parking improvements required at arenas and the costs to make the necessary improvements.