A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Confirm the Proceedings of Council at its Meetings of January 21, 2025.
A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Establish Miscellaneous User Fees for Certain Services Provided by the City of Greater Sudbury
This by-law implements the annual increases in user fees and changes as a result of business cases presented at Budget 2025.
A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Authorize a Development Cost Sharing Agreement with Conseil-Scolaire Catholique du Nouvel-Ontario for a Multi-Use Path along MR80 from J’eanne D’Arc Street to Shirley Avenue
Finance and Administration Committee Resolution #FA2024-32.
A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2019-50 being a By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Establish Procedures for the City of Greater Sudbury
City Council Resolution #CC2024-285
This by-law amends the Procedure By-law to have matters arising from Committees included in the adoption of the Consent Agenda.
A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Close Part of Unopened Alexander Street, Garson, Described as Part of PIN 73492-0409(LT), being Part 1, Plan 53R-22128, City of Greater Sudbury
This by-law closes part of an unopened road to make the land available for sale and replaces By-law 2024-174 to reflect a more accurate legal description.
A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Authorize the Sale of Part of Closed Alexander Street, Garson, Described as Part of PIN 73492-0409(LT), being Part 1, Plan 53R-22128, City of Greater Sudbury to Janessa St. Louis and Marc Fortin
This by-law authorizes the sale of Part of Closed Alexander Street, Garson and replaces By-law 2024-175 to reflect a more accurate legal description.
A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Adopt Official Plan Amendment No.141 to the Official Plan for the City of Greater Sudbury
Planning Committee Resolution #PL2024-162
This by-law authorizes a site-specific exception under Section 5.2.2 and Section 19.4 of the City’s Official Plan in order to facilitate the creation of six (6) new residential lots by way of consent within the Rural land use designation - Pauline & Raymond Quesnel, 0 Dominion Drive, Hanmer.
A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Adopt Official Plan Amendment No.129 to the Official Plan for the City of Greater Sudbury
Planning Committee Resolution #PL2024-174
This by-law authorizes a site-specific exemption to the intensification policies in Section 2.3.3 Intensification, the commercial policies in Section 3.2 Living Area Designations, and the density policies in 3.2.1 Living Area 1 – Communities - 2226553 Ontario Inc., 700 Paris Street, Sudbury.
A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2010-100Z being the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the City of Greater Sudbury
Planning Committee Resolution #PL2024-175
This by-law rezones the subject lands from “R4(3)”, High Density Residential Special to an amended “R4(3)”, High Density Residential Special to permit a maximum of three buildings containing 109 retirement home guest rooms and 421 multiple dwelling units with up to three levels of underground shared parking, along with 380 square metres of restaurant use - 2226553 Ontario Inc., 700 Paris Street, Sudbury.
A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2010-100Z being the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the City of Greater Sudbury
Planning Committee Resolution #PL2024-70
This by-law rezones the subject lands from the “R1” Low Density Residential One Zone and “R2-2” Low Density Residential Two Zone to the “R3(105)”, Medium Density Residential Special Zone in order to permit 40 row dwelling units with site specific provisions - 2828566 Ontario Inc. and Barron West Inc., 1876, 1882, 1890 Bancroft Drive, Sudbury.
A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2010-100Z being the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the City of Greater Sudbury
Planning Committee Resolution #PL2024-184
This by-law rezones the subject lands from the “R1-5” Low Density Residential One Zone to the “R3(104)” Medium Density Residential Special Zone in order to permit the construction of a two-storey multiple dwelling unit containing eight units, with site specific provisions - Christopher Lamarche & Ashley Urban, 214 Moonlight Avenue, Sudbury.
A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2010-100Z being the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the City of Greater Sudbury
Planning Committee Resolution #PL2024-185
This by-law rezones the subject lands from “RU”, Rural, to “M5” Extractive Industrial to permit the development of an aggregate pit or quarry - Fisher Wavy Inc., 0 Wanup Pit Road, Wahnapitae.
A By-law of the City of Greater Sudbury to Amend By-law 2010-100Z being the Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the City of Greater Sudbury
Planning Committee Resolution #PL2024-173
This by-law amends the “H40 – Holding provision to permit an additional 30 units prior to construction of a public road connection to Maurice Street or Tuscany Trail; and the “H40R3-1(23)”, Medium Density Residential Special - Holding zone to additionally permit row dwelling units - Dalron Construction Limited, 250 Billiard’s Way, Sudbury.