Operations Committee

Tom Davies Square

Councillor Signoretti, Chair


2:00 p.m.  Open Session, Council Chamber / Electronic Participation


City of Greater Sudbury Council and Committee meetings are accessible and generally held in the Council Chamber at Tom Davies Square unless otherwise stated on the agenda.  Some meetings are broadcast on Eastlink at Eastlink’s discretion.  With the exception of closed meetings held in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, meetings are open to the public for attendance in-person.  Where possible, meetings are livestreamed and the recordings are saved for public viewing on the City’s website at:  https://agendasonline.greatersudbury.ca.

Please be advised that if you make a presentation, speak or appear at the meeting venue during a
meeting, you, your comments and/or your presentation may be recorded and broadcast.

By submitting information, including print or electronic information, for presentation to City Council or
Committee you are indicating that you have obtained the consent of persons whose personal information is included in the information to be disclosed to the public.

Your information is collected for the purpose of informed decision-making and transparency of City Council decision-making under various municipal statutes and by-laws and in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, Planning Act, Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the City of Greater Sudbury’s Procedure By-law.

For more information regarding accessibility, recording your personal information or live-streaming, please contact Clerk’s Services by calling 3-1-1 or emailing [email protected].







For the purpose of convenience and for expediting meetings, matters of business of repetitive or routine nature are included in the Consent Agenda, and all such matters of business contained in the Consent Agenda are voted on collectively.

A particular matter of business may be singled out from the Consent Agenda for debate or for a separate vote upon the request of any Councillor. In the case of a separate vote, the excluded matter of business is severed from the Consent Agenda, and only the remaining matters of business contained in the Consent Agenda are voted on collectively.

Each and every matter of business contained in the Consent Agenda is recorded separately in the minutes of the meeting.



This report provides a recommendation to address safety concerns on a section of Maki Avenue, Sudbury.



This report and presentation provide Council with a summary of 2023 capital accomplishments and projects that are planned to be delivered in 2024 under the Capital Construction Program. These projects are required to meet the changing needs of the community and to maintain the City’s assets in a state of good repair.

This presentation provides information regarding the development of the 2025 to 2035 Sustainable Waste Strategy prior to public consultation. Committee members are encouraged to provide feedback as part of the internal consultation process. This information will be consolidated and used to engage the public in the fourth and final phase of the Sustainable Waste Strategy.



This report seeks approval to post the multi-year landfill and small vehicle transfer station operating contract for an initial term of seven (7) years with three (3) additional one (1) year optional extensions.

This report provides recommendations regarding best practices for Vicious Dogs to enhance the current Animal Control Bylaw to deter dog attacks in our community.



This report provides an overview of winter maintenance activities for the 2023/2024 winter control season up to and including the month of February 2024.

This report provides updates to the status of the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Community Grant Program, including the results from the 2023 intake and approved projects from the 2024 intake. In 2024, the City's Transportation Demand Management Community Grant Program received 10 applications from community groups seeking funding to promote sustainable transportation in Greater Sudbury. All 10 applications were successful, resulting in a total funding allocation of $10,000.






