The following resolution was presented:
THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves the Development Cost Sharing Application by Bluerock 507 Kingsway Inc. for the widening of the Kingsway from Argyle Avenue to approximately 26 m east of the intersection of Kitchener Avenue to provide a centre left turn lane onto Kitchener Avenue, subject to parameters outlined in the report entitled “Development Cost Sharing Application for a Center Left Turn Lane on the Kingsway and Road Improvements on Kitchener Avenue” , from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Finance and Administration Committee meeting on July 10, 2023;
AND THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves the Development Cost Sharing Application by Bluerock 507 Kingsway Inc. for the rehabilitation of Kitchener Avenue from the Kingsway to the southerly limits of Kitchener Avenue, including 46m of storm sewer upgrades along the east side of Kitchener Avenue, but excluding the westerly boulevard restoration;
AND THAT the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure be directed to negotiate and enter into a Cost Sharing Agreement with Bluerock 507 Kingsway Inc.;
AND THAT the City’s portion of the Cost Sharing of up to $714,000 be funded from the 2024 Budget.