Councillor McIntosh requested that Planning Committee resolution PL2023-123 be pulled and dealt with separately.
As Amended:
That the City of Greater Sudbury approves the application by 11415573 Canada Inc. to amend Zoning By-law 2010-100Z by changing the zoning classification from “FD”, Future Development to “R3-1 Special”, Medium Density Residential Specials on lands described as Part of PIN 73475-0701, Parts 3 & 4, Plan 53R-14815 in Lot 5, Concession 5, Township of Broder, as outlined in the report entitled “Algonquin Road, Sudbury – Stage 2”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Planning Committee meeting on September 25, 2023, subject to the following conditions:
1. That the amending by-law includes the following site-specific provisions;
(a) The only permitted uses shall be a retirement home, related accessory uses, and uses permitted in all zones under Section 4.40;
(b) The maximum building height shall be six (6) storeys and 21 metres, as measured from all building elevations;
(c) Planting strips shall be provided as follows:
(i) A minimum 17 metre-wide natural vegetative buffer shall be retained along the easterly lot line; and,
(ii) The planting strip along the southerly year yard may be reduced to a width of 1.3 metres in conjunction with an opaque fence;
(d) A Holding symbol which shall not be removed by the City of Greater Sudbury until the following condition has been addressed:
(i) A stormwater management report has been submitted to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure and Conservation Sudbury (NDCA).
Until such time as the H symbol has been removed, the only permitted uses shall be those legally existing on the date that the amending by-law comes into effect.