
For the Community and Emergency Services Committee Meeting

Tom Davies Square
Present (Mayor and Councillors)
  • Councillor Fortin, 
  • Councillor Parent, 
  • Councillor Lapierre, 
  • Councillor Sizer, 
  • and Councillor McIntosh 
  • Councillor Labbee 
City Officials
  • Steve Jacques, General Manager of Community Development, 
  • Joseph Nicholls, General Manager of Community Safety, 
  • Jeff Pafford, Director of Leisure Services, 
  • Nathan Melin, Assistant Deputy Fire Chief, 
  • Christine Hodgins, Deputy City Clerk, 
  • Regina Sgueglia, Clerk's Services Assistant, 
  • Srijana Rasaily, Clerk's Services Assistant, 
  • and Rory Whitehouse, Clerk's Services Assistant 

Councillor Lapierre, In the Chair



The meeting commenced at 4:31 p.m.



A roll call was conducted.



The following resolution was presented:

  • CES2024-08
    Moved ByCouncillor McIntosh
    Seconded ByCouncillor Sizer

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves Consent Agenda item 4.1.1.




The following is the Consent Agenda item:

  • CES2024-09
    Moved ByCouncillor McIntosh
    Seconded ByCouncillor Sizer

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves the Healthy Community Initiative Fund requests, as outlined in the report entitled “Healthy Community Initiative Fund Applications – April 22, 2024”, from the General Manager of Community Development, presented at the Community and Emergency Services Committee meeting on April 22, 2024;

    AND THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves the application for a multi-ward grant above the established thresholds in By-law 2018-129 for $2,000 per ward for wards 5, 8, 11 and 12 relating to New Sudbury Days;

    AND THAT the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to present a by-law to authorize the grants recommended in the report.



  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Parent
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fortin

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury authorizes the General Manager of Community Safety to enter into a single source contract with Dependable Emergency Vehicles of Brampton Ontario for a contract term of five (5) years, plus a five (5) year extension option (ten (10) year total) for the purchase of fire tankers, as outlined in the report entitled “Fire Services Equipment Standardization” from the General Manager of Community Safety, presented at the Community and Emergency Services Committee meeting on April 22, 2024.

  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Sizer
    Seconded ByCouncillor McIntosh

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury authorizes the General Manager of Community Safety to enter into a single source contract with Hurst Jaws of Life of Shelby, North Carolina for a contract term of five (5) years, plus a five (5) year extension option (ten (10) year total) for the purchase of auto extrication equipment, as outlined in the report entitled “Fire Services Equipment Standardization” from the General Manager of Community Safety, presented at the Community and Emergency Services Committee meeting on April 22, 2024.



  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Lapierre
    Seconded ByCouncillor McIntosh

    WHEREAS part the 2024/2025 budget included a capital project for the repurposing of ski hill lift equipment to be installed at the Lively Ski Hill;

    AND WHEREAS funding for Lively Ski Hill chalet improvements were previously included in the 2023 capital budget;

    AND WHEREAS the City of Greater Sudbury Core Services Review (2020) suggests ski hills are a unique and discretionary services offered by the City of Greater Sudbury;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to suspend all capital work on these projects, other than essential health and safety items, and present a report by April 2024 to the Community and Emergency Services Committee providing information on the following:

    • further details on the Lively Ski Hill capital projects including updated project estimates;
    • alternatives to continuing with the projects as originally contemplated;
    • utilization and operating costs of City of Greater Sudbury operated ski hills;
    • recommended utilization targets for ski hills.

    Rules of Procedure

    Councillor Lapierre presented a friendly amendment to his motion to replace "April 2024" with "August 2024".

    The following resolution with the inclusion of the friendly amendment was presented:

  • CES2024-12
    Moved ByCouncillor Lapierre
    Seconded ByCouncillor McIntosh

    WHEREAS part the 2024/2025 budget included a capital project for the repurposing of ski hill lift equipment to be installed at the Lively Ski Hill;

    AND WHEREAS funding for Lively Ski Hill chalet improvements were previously included in the 2023 capital budget;

    AND WHEREAS the City of Greater Sudbury Core Services Review (2020) suggests ski hills are a unique and discretionary services offered by the City of Greater Sudbury;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to suspend all capital work on these projects, other than essential health and safety items, and present a report by August 2024 to the Community and Emergency Services Committee providing information on the following:

    • further details on the Lively Ski Hill capital projects including updated project estimates;
    • alternatives to continuing with the projects as originally contemplated;
    • utilization and operating costs of City of Greater Sudbury operated ski hills;
    • recommended utilization targets for ski hills.



The following resolution was presented:

  • CES2024-13
    Moved ByCouncillor Parent
    Seconded ByCouncillor Lapierre

    WHEREAS the City of Greater Sudbury is committed to and will continue to work towards making its facilities, programs and services accessible to all citizens;

    AND WHEREAS access to recreation is a vital part in creating a sense of community for residents of the City of Greater Sudbury and one way to achieve successful access to recreation is to improve and increase the number of accessible parking at recreational facilities;

    AND WHEREAS the City of Greater Sudbury is in the process of coordinating Barrier-free Accessibility Assessments on most of its facilities, including arenas, which would review the number of parking stalls, types of accessible parking spaces required, signage and pathways of travel;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury direct staff to present a report to the Community and Emergency Services Committee prior to the 2025 budget review discussions, which would include the accessible parking improvements required at arenas and the costs to make the necessary improvements.




No Addendum was presented.



No Petitions was presented.



No Questions were asked.



Councillor Lapierre moved to adjourn the meeting. Time: 4:48 p.m.