THAT the City of Greater Sudbury’s delegated official be directed to amend the conditions of draft approval for a plan of subdivision on those lands described as Part of PIN 73478-0607, Parcel 2877, Parts 1 & 2, 53R-18053, Lot 4, Concession 5, Township of Broder, File 780-6/12002, in the report entitled “Billiard’s Green Subdivision Extension, Sudbury”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Planning Committee meeting on December 9, 2024 as follows:
By deleting Condition #10 and replacing it with the following:
“10.That this draft approval shall lapse on November 7, 2027.”
2. By replacing Condition 34(a) with the following:
“a) The underground storm sewer system within the plan of subdivision must be designed to accommodate and/or convey the minor storm flow, that is, the rainfall runoff resulting from the subject site and any external tributary areas using the City’s 2 year design storm. The permissible minor storm discharge from the subject development must be limited to the existing pre-development site runoff resulting from a 2 year design storm. Any resulting post development runoff in excess of this permissible discharge rate must be controlled and detained within the plan of subdivision.
3. By deleting Condition 34(h).
4. By adding new Condition 34 (h)(i) and (j) as follows:
“(h) The overland flow system within the plan of subdivision must be designed to accommodate and/or convey the major storm flow, that is, the rainfall runoff resulting from the subject site and any external tributary areas using the City’s 100 year design storm or Regional storm event, whichever is greater, without causing damage to proposed and adjacent public and private properties. The permissible major storm discharge from the subject development must be limited to the existing pre-development runoff resulting from a 100 year design storm or Regional storm event, whichever is greater.
(i) A hierarchical approach to stormwater management must be followed as described by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks and as amended by City of Greater Sudbury most recent Storm Water Management Guide and Engineering Design Standards.
(j) Stormwater management must further follow the recommendations of the Algonquin Road Subwatershed Study.”
5. By deleting Condition #35.
6 . In Condition #36, by replacing ‘Authority’s Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation (Ontario Regulation 156/06)’ with ‘Conservation Authorities Act’.
7. By adding new Condition #38:
“38. The wetland(s) must be mapped by a qualified professional (OWES-certified with experience in wetland mapping) to the satisfaction of Conservation Sudbury. The wetlands must be mapped within the location of the proposed subdivision and within 30 metres of the proposed subdivision. All mapping must include the wetland boundary and areas of potential interference shown at 12 metres and 30 metres from the wetland boundary. Development must comply with Conservation Sudbury’s wetland guidelines and proponent must demonstrate that loss of wetlands will not aggravate flooding or erosion to downstream parcels to the satisfaction of Conservation Sudbury.”