
For the City Council Meeting

Tom Davies Square
Present (Mayor and Councillors)
  • Councillor Signoretti, 
  • Councillor Vagnini, 
  • Councillor Montpellier, 
  • Councillor McCausland, 
  • Councillor Kirwan, 
  • Councillor Lapierre, 
  • Councillor Jakubo, 
  • Councillor Sizer, 
  • Councillor McIntosh, 
  • Councillor Cormier, 
  • Councillor Leduc, 
  • Councillor Landry-Altmann, 
  • and Mayor Bigger
City Officials
  • Ed Archer, Chief Administrative Officer, 
  • Kevin Fowke, General Manager of Corporate Services, 
  • Tony Cecutti, General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, 
  • Ed Stankiewicz, Executive Director of Finance, Assets and Fleet, 
  • Steve Jacques, General Manager of Community Development, 
  • Joseph Nicholls, General Manager of Community Safety, 
  • Marie Litalien, Director of Communications & Community Engagements, 
  • Ian Wood, Executive Director of Strategic Initatives and Citizen Services, 
  • Joanne Kelly, Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development, 
  • Meredith Armstrong, Director of Economic Development, 
  • Kelly Gravelle, Deputy City Solicitor, 
  • Ron Foster, Auditor General, 
  • Hugh Kruzel, Chief of Staff, 
  • Eric Labelle, City Solicitor and Clerk, 
  • Brigitte Sobush, Manager of Clerk's Services/Deputy City Clerk, 
  • Lisa Locken, Clerk's Services Assistant, 
  • Vickie Hartley, Clerk's Services Assistant, 
  • Clayton Drake, Clerk's Services Assistant, 
  • Danielle Derochie, Deputy City Clerk, 
  • Madison Pacey, Clerk's Services Assistant, 
  • Gina Matteau, Clerk's Services Assistant, 
  • and Erin Foreshew, Clerk's Services Assistant

His Worship Mayor Brian Bigger, In the Chair



The meeting commenced at XX p.m.



A roll call was conducted prior to the commencement of moving into closed session.



At XX p.m., Council moved into Closed Session.

  • CC2022-209
    Moved ByMayor Bigger
    Seconded ByCouncillor Cormier

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury move to Closed Session to deal with one (1) Security of Municipal Property item regarding the City's information technology systems and data, one (1) Information Supplied in Confidence (Competitive Position/Negotiations) / Position, Plan or Instructions to be Applied to Negotiations item regarding property on Durham Street, Sudbury and one (1) Information Supplied in Confidence (Competitive Position/Negotiations) regarding City of Greater Sudbury Community Development Corporation and one addendum to deal with one (1) Acquisition or Disposition of Land regarding a property on John Street, Sudbury in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, par. 239(2)(a), (c), (i) and (k).




At XX p.m., Council recessed.



At XX p.m., Council commenced the Open Session.



Those present at the meeting observed a moment of silent reflection.



A roll call was conducted.

Deputy Mayor (Sizer) (Landry-Altmann), Chair of the Closed Session, reported that Council met in Closed Session to deal with





Councillor Kirwan, as Chair of the Planning Committee, reported on the matters arising from the Planning Committee meeting of MONTH xx, 2022.

The resolutions for the xx Planning Committee meeting can be found at: https://www.greatersudbury.ca/agendas

  • CC2022-212
    Moved ByCouncillor Kirwan
    Seconded ByCouncillor McCausland

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves Planning Committee resolutions PL2022-115 to PL2022-120 and PL2022-122 to PL2022-124 from the meeting of August 29, 2022.



  • CC2022-213
    Moved ByCouncillor Kirwan
    Seconded ByCouncillor McCausland

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves Planning Committee resolutions PL2022-125 to

    PL2022-131 from the meeting of September 12, 2022.




The following are the Consent Agenda items:

  • CC2022-214
    Moved ByMayor Bigger
    Seconded ByCouncillor Jakubo

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves Consent Agenda items 12.1.1 to 12.2.1.



  • CC2022-215
    Moved ByMayor Bigger
    Seconded ByCouncillor Jakubo

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury adopts the City Council meeting minutes of July 12, 2022.



  • CC2022-216
    Moved ByMayor Bigger
    Seconded ByCouncillor Jakubo

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves the Healthy Community Initiative Fund requests, as outlined in the report entitled “Healthy Community Initiative Fund Applications – September 13, 2022”, from the General Manager of Community Development, presented at the City Council  meeting on September 13, 2022;

    AND THAT the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to present a by-law to authorize the grants recommended in the report.



  • CC2022-223
    Moved ByMayor Bigger
    Seconded ByCouncillor Signoretti

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury authorizes the reconsideration of motion CC2021-227, passed at the City Council meeting of July 14, 2021.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Signoretti, Councillor Vagnini, Councillor Montpellier, Councillor McCausland, Councillor Kirwan, Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Jakubo, Councillor Sizer, Councillor McIntosh, Councillor Cormier, Councillor Leduc, Councillor Landry-Altmann, and Mayor Bigger
    CARRIED (13 to 0)
  • CC2022-224
    Moved ByCouncillor Lapierre
    Seconded ByCouncillor McCausland

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury rescinds motion CC2021-227, titled "Greater Sudbury Event Centre Next Steps," from the meeting of City Council on July 14, 2021, and directs staff to prepare the appropriate by-law amendments.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Signoretti, Councillor Vagnini, Councillor Montpellier, Councillor McCausland, Councillor Kirwan, Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Jakubo, Councillor Sizer, Councillor McIntosh, Councillor Cormier, Councillor Leduc, Councillor Landry-Altmann, and Mayor Bigger
    CARRIED (13 to 0)
  • C2022-225
    Moved ByCouncillor Kirwan
    Seconded ByCouncillor Leduc

    THAT staff be directed to cancel or terminate all contracts and obligations associated with the Greater Sudbury Event Centre Project in an efficient manner, except that cancellation of the following items be paused until July 31, 2023:

    a) The Progressive Design Build RFP for Event Centre construction, and

    b) The Venue Manager RFP.

  • C2022-225-A1
    Moved ByCouncillor Montpellier
    Seconded ByCouncillor Cormier

    THAT the resolution be amended to remove the following text:

    “, except that cancellation of the following items be paused until July 31, 2023:

    1. The progressive Design Build RFP for Event Centre construction, and
    2. The Venue Manager RFP.”
    YEAS: (10)Councillor Signoretti, Councillor Vagnini, Councillor Montpellier, Councillor McCausland, Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Jakubo, Councillor McIntosh, Councillor Cormier, Councillor Landry-Altmann, and Mayor Bigger
    NAYS: (3)Councillor Kirwan, Councillor Sizer, and Councillor Leduc
    CARRIED (10 to 3)
  • CC2022-225
    Moved ByCouncillor Kirwan
    Seconded ByCouncillor Leduc

    As Amended:

    THAT staff be directed to cancel or terminate all contracts and obligations associated with the Greater Sudbury Event Centre Project in an efficient manner.

    YEAS: (12)Councillor Signoretti, Councillor Vagnini, Councillor Montpellier, Councillor McCausland, Councillor Kirwan, Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Jakubo, Councillor Sizer, Councillor McIntosh, Councillor Cormier, Councillor Landry-Altmann, and Mayor Bigger
    NAYS: (1)Councillor Leduc
    CARRIED (12 to 1)
  • C2022-226
    Moved ByCouncillor Sizer
    Seconded ByCouncillor Jakubo

    THAT staff be directed to produce a background report, by the end of Q2 2023, to update the building condition assessment and operational effectiveness analysis of the Sudbury Community Arena and provide a high-level summary of options for its replacement or renovation, including comparisons of facility size, amenities, and business approach with event centres in other Canadian Hockey League communities.

    YEAS: (13)Councillor Signoretti, Councillor Vagnini, Councillor Montpellier, Councillor McCausland, Councillor Kirwan, Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Jakubo, Councillor Sizer, Councillor McIntosh, Councillor Cormier, Councillor Leduc, Councillor Landry-Altmann, and Mayor Bigger
    CARRIED (13 to 0)
  • THAT the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to issue Notice of Intent to Designate under the Ontario Heritage Act for the Flour Mill Museum located in O’Connor Park, Sudbury (140 St. George Street);

    AND THAT the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to prepare a heritage designation by-law for Council’s consideration as outlined in the report entitled “Flour Mill Heritage Designation Recommendation” presented at the City Council meeting on September 13, 2022.




  • CC20222-227
    Moved ByCouncillor Kirwan
    Seconded ByCouncillor McIntosh

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury read and pass By-law 2022-143 to By-law 2022-160Z.





  • CC2022-217
    Moved ByCouncillor McCausland
    Seconded ByCouncillor Sizer

    WHEREAS the existing railway grade crossings at Maley Drive, Montée Principale and Marier Street have been upgraded to meet current Transport Canada Grade Crossing Standards as it relates to the geometry of the roadway, through recent capital projects;

    AND WHEREAS updated records of the improvements are required to be gathered, documented and submitted to the appropriate railway to meet Transport Canada Grade Crossing Regulations for information sharing requirements, and this same information is required for Transport Canada Whistle Cessation applications;

    AND WHEREAS while many rail crossings in Greater Sudbury established whistle cessation decades ago, Ward Councillors have received numerous complaints about train whistles interrupting residents’ sleep and frustrating their days in the vicinity of the above rail crossings;

    AND WHEREAS the residents along the rail lines adjacent to the described grade crossings are also impacted by train whistles due to the requirement of a train to blow the whistle at a significant distances from grade crossing as they approach;

    AND WHEREAS the Transport Canada website outlines the process for whistle cessation, and reads that “The Canadian Rail Operating Rules require all trains to whistle whenever they approach a public grade crossing. In some cases, train whistles bother people who live nearby. Municipalities may wish to stop the whistling to provide local residents with relief from the noise.”

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to complete a detailed safety assessment at each impacted railway grade crossings to determine if the crossings meets the requirements set by Transport Canada for Train Whistle Cessation, utilizing a combination of internal resources and consultants to be funded from the remaining capital projects budgets for MR 35 and Maley Drive.

    AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT staff bring a report to the Operations Committee before the end of Q2 2023 with detailed capital upgrades as required to achieve whistle cessation for each crossing as determined through the safety assessments, and recommendations for next steps.


WHEREAS the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario is proposing a redistribution of electoral districts which would see the elimination of the Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing District and the creation of a Manitoulin-Nickel Belt riding;

AND WHEREAS the elimination of that riding would reduce the number of Northern Ontario seats from ten to nine, weakening the North's voice in parliament;

AND WHEREAS the new riding of Manitoulin-Nickel Belt would incorporate Manitoulin Island, Espanola Blind River and Elliot Lake to the west, the French River region as far east as Noelville and other northern areas, as well as the Greater Sudbury Communities of Capreol, Skead, Kukagami, Hanmer, Val Thérèse, Blezard Valley, Azilda, Chelmsford, Dowling, Onaping and Levack, but the Sudbury riding would be expanded to include the communities of Coniston, Wahnapitae, Wanup, Garson, and Falconbridge;

AND WHEREAS the communities in and surrounding the City of Greater Sudbury comprise one geopolitical entity, the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario's proposal would fragment, diminish and reduce access to federal representation for the City and area residents;

AND WHEREAS the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario is seeking public input on its proposed riding boundary changes, yet has scheduled only one in person consultation in Northern Ontario to be held in Timmins.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury urge the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario to not reduce the number of MPs for Northern Ontario, respect the geographical boundaries of Cities and the makeup of the current ridings, and withdraw the proposal to eliminate the federal riding of Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing District and the expansion of the existing Nickel Belt and Sudbury ridings for the communities in and surrounding the City of Greater Sudbury;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Ms. Paula Puddy, Commission Secretary, Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario prior to the September 25th, 2022 deadline, as well as to Viviane Lapointe, MP for Sudbury, Marc Serré, MP for Nickel Belt, and to the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities.

  • CC2022-218
    Moved ByCouncillor Jakubo
    Seconded ByCouncillor McIntosh

    WHEREAS the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario is proposing a redistribution of electoral districts which would see the elimination of the Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing District and the creation of a Manitoulin-Nickel Belt riding;

    AND WHEREAS the elimination of that riding would reduce the number of Northern Ontario seats from ten to nine, weakening the North's voice in parliament;

    AND WHEREAS the new riding of Manitoulin-Nickel Belt would incorporate Manitoulin Island, Espanola Blind River and Elliot Lake to the west, the French River region as far east as Noelville and other northern areas, as well as the Greater Sudbury Communities of Capreol, Skead, Kukagami, Hanmer, Val Thérèse, Blezard Valley, Azilda, Chelmsford, Dowling, Onaping and Levack, but the Sudbury riding would be expanded to include the communities of Coniston, Wahnapitae, Wanup, Garson, and Falconbridge;

    AND WHEREAS the communities in and surrounding the City of Greater Sudbury comprise one geopolitical entity, the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario's proposal would fragment, diminish and reduce access to federal representation for the City and area residents;

    AND WHEREAS the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario is seeking public input on its proposed riding boundary changes, yet has scheduled only one in person consultation in Northern Ontario to be held in Timmins.

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury urge the Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario to not reduce the number of MPs for Northern Ontario, respect the geographical boundaries of Cities and the makeup of the current ridings, and withdraw the proposal to eliminate the federal riding of Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing District and the expansion of the existing Nickel Belt and Sudbury ridings for the communities in and surrounding the City of Greater Sudbury;

    AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that that a copy of this resolution, with a cover letter from the mayor, be forwarded to Ms. Paula Puddy, Commission Secretary, Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario prior to the September 25th, 2022 deadline, as well as to Viviane Lapointe, MP for Sudbury, Marc Serré, MP for Nickel Belt, and to the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities, and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO).

  • CC2022-219
    Moved ByCouncillor Leduc
    Seconded ByMayor Bigger

    WHEREAS the City responded to local community needs during the pandemic by funding operations for a 24 hr warming centre for vulnerable citizens in the community;

     AND WHEREAS the City partners with community service providers to provide services for people experiencing homelessness; 

     AND WHEREAS there may be a continued need for warming centre services for people experiencing homelessness during the winter months; 

     THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury direct staff to provide an updated report at the October 4, 2022 meeting of Council on the extreme cold weather alert program along with current shelter capacity trends.

  • CC2022-220
    Moved ByCouncillor Signoretti
    Seconded ByCouncillor Cormier

    WHEREAS the health and safety of our employees is a top priority;

    AND WHEREAS under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, employers have a number of responsibilities to ensure a safe workplace;

    AND WHEREAS the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) publishes normalized Medical Aid and Lost Time Injury statistics for Ontario municipalities through the Safety Check web tool;

    AND WHEREAS the Safety Check tool suggests that the City of Greater Sudbury’s Medical Aid and Lost Time Injury frequencies may be substantially higher than that of other Ontario municipalities;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury directs that staff present a report to Council in the 4th quarter of 2022 with regard to the City of Greater Sudbury’s health and safety performance which will include:
    1.    Insight on the data that is publicly available by the WSIB Safety Check; and
    2.    The number and details of reportable incidents as defined in Section 51 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act; and
    3.    Direct costs associated with the WSIB benefit payments and premiums as a result of injuries to Greater Sudbury employees; and
    4.    Indirect costs to the corporation that arise from workplace injuries.  

  • WHEREAS residents in the area of Greenwood Drive and Second Avenue have ongoing safety concerns as a result of traffic and pedestrian volumes as well as speeding, and have requested an all-way-stop sign at that intersection;

    AND WHEREAS a Petition from the residents of that area was submitted by Councillor Leduc at the April 26th, 2022 Council meeting requesting traffic calming measures and/or a 3-way stop sign and/or a speed limit reduction;

    AND WHEREAS Korpela Playground is situated near the intersection of Second Avenue and Greenwood Drive and an all-way stop would create a safer crossing for all;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury direct that staff install an all-way stop at the intersection of Greenwood Drive and Second Avenue South and prepare a by-law to amend Traffic and Parking By-law 2010-1 to implement the change.

  • CC2022-221
    Moved ByCouncillor Cormier
    Seconded ByCouncillor McIntosh

    WHEREAS local residents have identified the intersection of Riverside Drive and Winchester Avenue as one that could benefit from an all-way stop arising from concerns for the safety of pedestrians and drivers alike;

    AND WHEREAS the Kingsmount Bell Park Ward 10 Community Action Network Executive supports this concern and have requested that a study be undertaken by City staff to determine whether an all-way stop would be warranted at that intersection, in accordance with the City's All-Way Stop Policy;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to undertake a traffic study at the intersection of Riverside Drive and Winchester Avenue to determine whether an all-way stop is warranted, and that the results of that study be presented to the Operations Committee during the second quarter of 2023.

  • CC2022-222
    Moved ByCouncillor Lapierre
    Seconded ByMayor Bigger

    WHEREAS the City of Greater Sudbury continues to make significant investments to increase access to municipal services online such as the Customer Service Portal;  

    AND WHEREAS the City of Greater Sudbury encourages citizens to utilize online services including making tax payments online through their bank or financial institution as per the “Pay Your Tax Bill” section at greatersudbury.ca;

    AND WHEREAS citizens who pay their property taxes online, through their bank or financial institution, do not receive a receipt that is recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency for use when submitting personal tax returns;

    AND WHEREAS user fee By-Law 2021-60, which indicated a cost of $14.50 to receive a duplicate tax receipt, was revised as part of By-Law 2022-48, now indicating that the fee of $15 will be applied for all tax receipts including the original;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury direct staff to revise the user fee By-Law, to re-instate “Duplicate” Tax Receipt, allowing individuals who have paid their property taxes online, upon request, to obtain a proper receipt without additional fees being charged, and that only those requesting a duplicate copy of a tax receipt are charged the additional fee.



  • CC2022-228
    Moved ByCouncillor Leduc
    Seconded ByCouncillor Signoretti

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury read and pass By-law 2022- 161 to By-law 2022-164.





No Petitions were submitted.

  • CC2022-210
    Moved ByCouncillor Leduc
    Seconded ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann

    WHEREAS Council, by Resolution CC2022-186 approved Operations Committee resolutions OP2022-20 to OP-2022-24 from the meeting of July 12th, 2022;

    AND WHEREAS resolution OP2022-21-A1 read as follows:

    "AND THAT the City of Greater Sudbury direct that left hand turns from Stonegate Drive to Beatrice Crescent be prohibited for a one year pilot project:

    AND THAT staff be directed to prepare a by-law to amend Traffic and Parking By-law 2010-1 to implement the change;

    AND THAT staff prepare a report regarding the outcome of the pilot project to be returned to the Operation Committee in Q4 of 2023."

    AND WHEREAS despite consulting with area residents prior to presenting the motion, Councillor Leduc has received numerous complaints from area residents about the ineffectiveness of the prohibition of left hand turns from Stonegate Drive to Beatrice Crescent, as well as the negative impacts to other neighbouring streets;

    AND WHEREAS area residents are seeking alternate options for traffic calming measures and are requesting that the no-left hand turn sign be removed immediately;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution CC2022-186 be reconsidered.


  • CC2022-211
    Moved ByCouncillor Leduc
    Seconded ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann

    WHEREAS despite consulting with area residents prior to presenting the motion to have left hand turns from Stonegate Drive to Beatrice Crescent prohibited, Councillor Leduc has received numerous complaints from area residents about the ineffectiveness of the prohibition, as well as the negative impacts to other neighbouring streets;

    AND WHEREAS area residents are seeking alternate options for traffic calming measures and Petitions seeking resolutions to their traffic volumes and speeding have been submitted;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to immediately cease the pilot project and remove the no left hand turn sign from Stonegate Drive to Beatrice Crescent, and to consult with residents of Attlee, Soloy, Stonegate, Beatrice, Manchester, Cumberland and Westmount Avenue for alternate traffic calming measures for the neighbourhood arising from non-local traffic heading to Adanac Ski Hill and report the results of those consultations together with recommendations, to the Operations Committee in the second quarter of 2023 for its consideration.




Please visit: https://www.greatersudbury.ca/agendas to view questions asked.



Mayor Bigger moved to adjourn the meeting. Time: XX p.m.


No Item Selected