Finance and Administration Committee

Tom Davies Square

Tom Davies Square

Councillor McIntosh, Chair




4:00 p.m. Closed Session, Committee Room C-12 / Electronic Participation

6:00 p.m. Open Session, Council Chamber / Electronic Participation


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Resolution to move to Closed Session to deal with one (1) Personal Matters (Identifiable Individual(s)) item regarding a performance review in accordance with the Municipal Act, 2001, par. 239(2)(b).







At this point in the meeting, the Chair of the Closed Session, will rise and report. The Committee will then consider any resolution(s) emanating from the Closed Session.



This report provides a recommendation regarding amending the corporation’s Investment Policy to adjust the balance between long-term and current investments and maximize the potential for investment income based on the current interest rate environment.



As presented by Councillor Lapierre:

WHEREAS the City of Greater Sudbury employs 2263 full time employees and on average 550  contract, part time and seasonal staff;
AND WHEREAS Council would like to better understand why the staffing levels differ from other Municipalities of similar size, how many new positions have been created since 2010 and the purpose of these new positions;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury direct staff to prepare a report with a presentation to the Finance and Administration Committee before the 2025 budget review process, which includes the following.

  • The current level of staffing for each separate service
  • The number of Union and Non-Union staff, including the management level (e.g.  director, manager supervisor)
  • A comparator of staffing levels and change year per year since 2010 (including union and non-union)
  • A comparator of varying levels of service to other similar municipalities (example the number of WWW treatment plants, the number of services provided by single tier governments versus lower tier or upper tier towns, cities, regions or districts, # of lane Km’s to service etc…)
  • Based on the comparisons, options for service changes that could be undertaken to reduce headcount and the overall net budget for 2025 (for example, service options from the core service review).

As presented by Councillors McIntosh and Cormier:
WHEREAS staff provided an update to City Council on the status of opportunities for change identified in the 2020 Core Service Review at its February 21, 2023 meeting;
AND WHEREAS although several changes were completed at that time, the update identified a number of potential service changes that were subject to further review;
AND WHEREAS City Council is interested in the progress of these reviews to understand whether, or how, adjustments could be incorporated into 2025 service plans that reduce the anticipated 7.3% property tax change;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to produce an update at the May 2024 Finance and Administration Committee meeting describing the status of the remaining change opportunities first identified in the Core Service Review.






