THAT the City of Greater Sudbury’s delegated official be directed to amend the conditions of draft approval for a plan of subdivision on those lands described as Part of Parcels 2433 & 9436, Parts 1 to 3, Plan 53R-15429 and Parts 1 & 3, Plan 53R-16637, Lot 3, Concession 5, Township of Blezard, File # 780-7/98002, as outlined in the report entitled “Whitson Lake Subdivision, Val Caron” from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the meeting on September 13, 2021, as follows:
By deleting Condition #9 and replacing it with the following:
“9. That 5% of the land included in the plan of subdivision be deeded or provided to the City for parks purposes in accordance with Section 51.1 of the Planning Act to the satisfaction of the Director of Leisure Services and the City Solicitor.”;
By deleting Condition #13 and replacing it with the following:
“13.The owner shall provide to the City, as part of the submission of servicing plans an erosion and sediment control plan detailing the location and types of sediment and erosion control measures to be implemented during the construction of each phase of the project. Said plan shall be to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure and the
Nickel District Conservation Authority. The siltation control shall remain in place until all disturbed areas have been stabilized. All sediment and erosion control measures shall be inspected daily to ensure that they are functioning properly and are maintained and/or updated as required. If the sediment and erosion control measures are not functioning properly, no further work shall occur until the sediment and/or erosion problem is addressed.”
By deleting Conditions #16 and #30 entirely;
By adding a new Condition #16 as follows:
“16.A storm-water management report and associated plans must be submitted by the owner’s consulting engineer for approval by the City. The report must address the following requirements:
The underground storm sewer system within the plan of subdivision must be designed to accommodate and/or convey the minor storm flow, that is, the rainfall runoff resulting from the subject site and any external tributary areas using the City’s 2 year design storm. The permissible minor storm discharge from the subject development must be limited to the existing pre-development site runoff resulting from a 2 year design storm;
The reduction of the permissible minor storm to pre-development levels may be alleviated by providing a drainage route via City owned blocks within the proposed subdivision out-letting into the lake;
Any resulting post development runoff in excess of this permissible discharge rate must
be controlled and detained within the plan of subdivision unless directed via City owned blocks within the proposed subdivision to the lake body;
The overland flow system within the plan of subdivision must be designed to accommodate and/or convey the major storm flow, that is, the rainfall runoff resulting from the subject site and any external tributary areas using the City’s 100 year design storm or Regional storm event, whichever is greater, without causing damage to proposed and adjacent public and private properties. The permissible major storm discharge from the subject development must be limited to the existing pre-development runoff resulting from a 100 year design storm or Regional storm event, whichever is greater;
The reduction of the permissible major storm to pre-development levels may be alleviated by providing a drainage route via City owned blocks within the proposed subdivision out-letting into the lake;
“Enhanced” level must be used for the design of storm-water quality controls as defined
by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks;
Storm-water management must follow the recommendations of the Whitson River Sub-watershed Study;
The drainage catchment boundary including external tributary catchments and their respective area must be clearly indicated with any storm-water management plan;
The final grading of the lands shall be such that the surface water originating on or tributary to the said lands, including roof water from buildings and surface water from paved areas, will be discharged in a manner satisfactory to the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure;
Minor storm drainage from the plan of subdivision shall not be drained overland onto adjacent properties;
Existing drainage patterns on adjacent properties shall not be altered unless explicit permission is granted; and,
The owner shall be responsible for the design and construction of any required storm-water management works to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure as part of the servicing plans for the subdivision and the owner shall dedicate the lands for storm-water management works as a condition of this
“21.That this draft approval shall lapse on June 16, 2024.”;
By deleting Condition #29 and replacing it with the following:
“29.That prior to any vegetation removal or other site alteration on the subject lands, the owner shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services that all requirements set out by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks under the Endangered Species Act have been satisfied.”
By deleting Condition #31 and replacing it with the following:
“31.Prior to the submission of servicing plans, the owner/applicant shall, to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services and the Nickel District Conservation Authority, provide an updated Geotechnical Report prepared, signed, sealed, and dated by a geotechnical
engineer licensed in the Province of Ontario. Said report shall, as a minimum, provide factual information on the soils and groundwater conditions within the proposed development.
Also, the report should include design information and recommend construction procedures for any proposed storm and sanitary sewers, stormwater management facilities, watermains, roads to a 20 year design life, the mass filling of land, surface drainage works,
erosion control, slope stability, slope treatment and building foundations. The geotechnical information on building foundations shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official and Director of Planning Services. Included in this report must be details regarding removal of substandard soils (if any) and placement of engineered fill (if required) for the construction of new homes. A soils caution agreement, if required, shall be registered on title to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official and the City Solicitor.”;
By deleting the word “Services” at the end of Condition #36; and,
By adding the following new Condition #41:
“41.That the applicant/owner prepare a development plan that includes the limit of the regulatory flood elevation of 292 metres and is consistent with the required lot grading/drainage plan. Development (as defined by the Conservation Authorities Act) must occur outside of the regulatory floodplain. This includes placement or removal of fill, lot grading, and the erection
of buildings or structures.”