Community and Emergency Services Committee

Tom Davies Square

Councillor Lapierre, Chair



4:30 p.m.  Open Session Council Chamber / Electronic Participation


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For the purpose of convenience and for expediting meetings, matters of business of repetitive or routine nature are included in the Consent Agenda, and all such matters of business contained in the Consent Agenda are voted on collectively.

A particular matter of business may be singled out from the Consent Agenda for debate or for a separate vote upon the request of any Councillor. In the case of a separate vote, the excluded matter of business is severed from the Consent Agenda, and only the remaining matters of business contained in the Consent Agenda are voted on collectively.

Each and every matter of business contained in the Consent Agenda is recorded separately in the minutes of the meeting.



This report provides a recommendation regarding Healthy Community Initiative (HCI) funding requests. By-law 2018-129 requires Council’s approval for all eligible HCI Capital fund requests exceeding $10,000 and Grant requests exceeding $1,000.



This report and presentation provides an overview of Indigenous Mental Health and Addictions supports provided by the Shkagamik-Kwe Health Centre funded through the City of Greater Sudbury.



This report provides a recommendation regarding entering an eight-year sole source contract with ZOLL Medical Canada, Inc., with a possible two-year extension, for the purchase of AutoPulse Compression devices for the Emergency Care and Transport Section of Paramedic Services. The AutoPulse is ZOLL’S mechanical CPR device which provides high-quality compressions that can continue through treatment and transport of the cardiac arrest patient and is compatible with the Services’ ZOLL monitor defibrillators.

This report provides a recommendation regarding enhancement services over the winter of 2024-25 to support the needs of the unsheltered homeless population.

This report provides a recommendation regarding the terms of reference for the creation of a City of Greater Sudbury Youth Advisory Panel.



As presented by Councillor Brabant:

WHEREAS Villa St. Gabriel Villa (VSGV) is a long-term care home with 128 residents, which was previously serviced in 2015 with a fixed route service level of three times per day/seven days per week, through a Council approved one year pilot project funded by Provincial Gas Tax, which was discontinued in September of 2016 due to low ridership, and replaced with more cost-effective transit service through GOVA Zone; ;

AND WHEREAS the circumstances have changed over the course of the pandemic, as an increasing number of staff and visitors rely on transit service due to driving being unaffordable or not possible for many;

AND WHEREAS staff and visitors of VSGV currently have a ten-minute walk from the closest drop-off at the Bonaventure Mall, on the side of the road with no sidewalks, which is particularly precarious during the winter months;

AND WHEREAS the GOVA Zone service from the Mall to VSGV,  has been challenging for many in the past;

AND WHEREAS a recent survey of VSGV staff conducted by their administration indicated that:

• To access VSGV, 46 team members take the bus five or more times weekly. 
• An additional 16 use transit to access work three to four times a week.
• 85% of all surveyed  (96 respondents) would take the bus if VSGV had an on-site stop.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that staff be directed to present a business case for Council’s consideration during the upcoming 2025 Budget deliberations for the addition of transit service hours to fixed Route 104 Azilda/Chelmsford at the Villa St. Gabriel Villa.

This report provides information regarding the financial particulars of each Ward’s Healthy Community Initiative Fund allocation for the period of January 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024, in accordance with By-law 2018-129.

This report provides information regarding a quarterly update with respect to operational issues, activities, and accomplishments in support of resident safety goals, objectives, and good news stories for Pioneer Manor.

This report provides an update regarding Council Resolution CES2024-04, providing additional information on the Valley East Twin Pad Multipurpose Sports Complex. The report includes information on other recent multi-pad projects constructed in other jurisdictions, alternative approaches to arena construction and information on public-private approaches to community sports venues.






