
For the Finance and Administration Committee Meeting

Tom Davies Square
Present (Mayor and Councillors)
  • Councillor Signoretti, 
  • Councillor Benoit, 
  • Councillor Brabant, 
  • Councillor Fortin, 
  • Councillor Parent, 
  • Councillor Lapierre, 
  • Councillor Labbee, 
  • Councillor Sizer, 
  • Councillor McIntosh, 
  • Councillor Cormier, 
  • Councillor Leduc, 
  • Councillor Landry-Altmann, 
  • and Mayor Lefebvre 
City Officials
  • Kevin Fowke, General Manager of Corporate Services, 
  • Tony Cecutti, General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, 
  • Joseph Nicholls, General Manager of Community Safety, 
  • Joanne Kelly, Director of Human Resources and Organizational Development, 
  • Meredith Armstrong, Director of Economic Development, 
  • Ron Foster, Auditor General, 
  • Liisa Lenz, Manager of Financial Planning and Budgeting, 
  • Ed Landry, Senior Planner, 
  • Dawn Noel de Tilly, Chief of Staff, 
  • Eric Labelle, City Solicitor and Clerk, 
  • Cassandra Pierobon, Clerk's Services Assistant, 
  • Regina Sgueglia, Clerk's Services Assistant, 
  • and Rory Whitehouse, Clerk's Services Assistant 

Councillor McIntosh, In the Chair



The meeting commenced at 6:02 p.m.



A roll call was conducted.





Kevin Fowke, General Manager of Corporate Services, provided an electronic presentation regarding the 2023 Annual Report for information only.


  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor McIntosh
    Seconded ByCouncillor Lapierre

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to report on operating budget variances twice per year based on June month end and December year end and that the associated policies be updated as outlined in the report entitled “2023 Year-End Operating Budget Variance Report” from the General Manager of Corporate Services, presented at the Finance and Administration Committee on June 18, 2024.

  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor McIntosh
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fortin

    THAT The City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to prepare an amendment to the Strategic Core Areas Community Improvement Plan, as outlined in the report entitled “Community Improvement Plan Review”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the June 18, 2024 Finance and Administration Committee Meeting.

  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor McIntosh
    Seconded ByCouncillor Lapierre

    THAT The City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to accept only those façade improvement program applications related to commercial or mixed-use buildings, as outlined in the report entitled “Community Improvement Plan Review”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the June 18, 2024 Finance and Administration Committee Meeting.

  • Rules of Procedure

    Councillor Fortin moved to amend the resolution.

    The following amendment was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Fortin
    Seconded ByCouncillor Lapierre

    That the resolution be amended to add the following:

    And further that applications only be accepted for the building’s main façade which faces the street.

  • Rules of Procedure

    Councillor McIntosh moved to waive reading of the resolution.


    The following main resolution as amended was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor McIntosh
    Seconded ByCouncillor Lapierre

    As amended:

    THAT The City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to accept only those façade improvement program applications related to commercial or mixed-use buildings, as outlined in the report entitled “Community Improvement Plan Review”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the June 18, 2024 Finance and Administration Committee Meeting.

    And further that applications only be accepted for the building’s main façade which faces the street.

  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor McIntosh
    Seconded ByCouncillor Benoit

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to implement improvements for non-union active benefits and non-union retiree benefits, as outlined in the report entitled “Non-union Benefits”, from the General Manager of Corporate Services, presented at the Finance and Administration Committee meeting on June 18, 2024.




No Motions were presented.



No Addendum was presented.



No Petitions were submitted.



No Questions were asked.



Councillor McIntosh moved to adjourn the meeting. Time: 8:04 p.m.