
For the Planning Committee Meeting

Tom Davies Square
Present (Mayor and Councillors)
  • Councillor Lapierre, 
  • Councillor Fortin, 
  • Councillor Cormier, 
  • Councillor Leduc, 
  • and Councillor Landry-Altmann 
City Officials
  • Kris Longston, Director of Planning Services, 
  • Meredith Armstrong, Director of Economic Development, 
  • Alex Singbush, Manager of Development Approvals, 
  • Robert Webb, Supervisor of Development Engineering, 
  • Wendy Kaufman, Senior Planner, 
  • Bailey Chabot, Senior Planner, 
  • Stephanie Poirier, Senior Planner, 
  • Brigitte Sobush, Manager of Clerk's Services/Deputy City Clerk, 
  • Regina Sgueglia, Clerk's Services Assistant, 
  • Rory Whitehouse, Clerk's Services Assistant, 
  • and Cassandra Pierobon, Clerk's Services Assistant 

Councillor Cormier, In the Chair



The meeting commenced at 1:00 p.m.



A roll call was conducted prior to the commencement of moving into closed session.


  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Leduc
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fortin

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury moves to Closed Session to deal with two Proposed or Pending Acquisition or Disposition of Land Matters, the first regarding Larch Street, Sudbury, and the second regarding Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, in accordance with Municipal Act, 2001, par 239 (2)(c).


    At 1:02 p.m., the Planning Committee moved into Closed Session.



At 1:40 p.m., the Planning Committee recessed.



At 1:50 p.m., the Planning Committee commenced the Open Session.



A roll call was conducted.



Rules of Procedure

Councillor Leduc moved that the order of the agenda be altered to deal with Items 8.5 and 8.4 before Item 8.1. 


The Planning Committee was adjourned, and the Public Hearing was opened to deal with the application: 

Dave Dorland and John Jackson, the agents for the applicant and Mario Simonato, the applicant were present. 

Wendy Kaufman, Senior Planner, outlined the report. 

The Planning Department staff responded to questions from the Committee members.

The agents for the applicant provided comments. 

The applicant and agents responded to questions from the Committee members. 

The Chair asked whether there was anyone else who wished to speak in favour or against the application and hearing none:

The Public Hearing was closed, and the Planning Committee resumed to discuss and vote on the application.

  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fortin

    Resolution Regarding the Official Plan Amendment

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury denies the application by The Wicker Image Inc. to amend the City of Greater Sudbury Official Plan to permit the creation of seven (7) new rural residential lots by way of consent within the Rural land use designation on lands described as PIN 73478-1159, Lot 1, Concession 5, Township of Broder, Sudbury as outlined in the report entitled “Goodview Road and CKSO Road, Sudbury”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Planning Committee meeting on August 12, 2024.

    NAYS: (5)Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Cormier, Councillor Leduc, Councillor Landry-Altmann, and Councillor Fortin
    DEFEATED (0 to 5)
  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Leduc
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fortin

    Resolution Regarding the Zoning By-law Amendment

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury denies the application by The Wicker Image Inc. to change the zoning classification on the subject lands from “OSR(6)”, Open Space - Recreation Special, to “R1-2”, Low Density Residential One on lands described as PIN 73478-1159, Lot 1, Concession 5, Township of Broder, Sudbury as outlined in the report entitled “Goodview Road and CKSO Road, Sudbury”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Planning Committee meeting on August 12, 2024.

    NAYS: (5)Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Cormier, Councillor Leduc, Councillor Landry-Altmann, and Councillor Fortin
    DEFEATED (0 to 5)

    At 2:23 p.m. Committee recessed. 

    At 2:28 p.m. Committee reconvened. 

  • The following alternate resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Leduc
    Seconded ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann

    Resolution Regarding the Official Plan Amendment

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves the application by The Wicker Image Inc. to amend the City of Greater Sudbury Official Plan to permit the creation of seven (7) new rural residential lots by way of consent within the Rural land use designation on lands described as PIN 73478-1159, Lot 1, Concession 5, Township of Broder, Sudbury as outlined in the report entitled “Goodview Road and CKSO Road, Sudbury”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Planning Committee meeting on August 12, 2024.

    YEAS: (5)Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Cormier, Councillor Leduc, Councillor Landry-Altmann, and Councillor Fortin
    CARRIED (5 to 0)
  • The following alternate resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Leduc
    Seconded ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann

    Resolution Regarding the Rezoning

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves the application by The Wicker Image Inc. to change the zoning classification on the subject lands from “OSR(6)”, Open Space - Recreation Special, to “R1-2”, Low Density Residential One on lands described as PIN 73478-1159, Lot 1, Concession 5, Township of Broder, Sudbury as outlined in the report entitled “Goodview Road and CKSO Road, Sudbury”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Planning Committee meeting on August 12, 2024, subject to the following conditions:

    1. That prior to the enactment of an amending zoning by-law the owner shall submit a registered survey plan describing the lands to be rezoned to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services.
    2. That conditional approval shall lapse on August 13, 2026, unless Condition #1 above has been met or an extension has been granted by Council.
    YEAS: (5)Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Cormier, Councillor Leduc, Councillor Landry-Altmann, and Councillor Fortin
    CARRIED (5 to 0)

    Public comment has been received and considered and had no effect on Planning Committee’s decision as the application represents good planning.

The Planning Committee was adjourned, and the Public Hearing was opened to deal with the application:

Todd Robson, Michael Luciw, and Stefan Szczerbak, the agents for the applicant, and Samer Ghazi, the applicant were present. 

Wendy Kaufman, Senior Planner, outlined the report.

The Planning Department staff responded to questions from the Committee members.

The agents for the applicant provided comments and responded to questions from the Committee members

The applicant provided closing comments. 

The Chair asked whether there was anyone who wished to speak in favour or against the application and hearing none:

The Public Hearing was closed, and the Planning Committee resumed to discuss and vote on the application. 

Rules of Procedure

Councillor Cormier moved to waive reading of the resolution. 


  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann
    Seconded ByCouncillor Lapierre

    Resolution Regarding the Official Plan Amendment

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves the application by Vista Sudbury Hotel Inc. to amend the City of Greater Sudbury Official Plan to additionally permit warehouse and commercial self-storage facility uses in the Downtown designation on lands described as PINs 02138-0196(LT) & 02138-0159(LT), Part Unit 1 on Plan D-132 being Part 5 on Plan 53R-17387, Units 3-10, 14 & 20-22 on Plan D-132 except Parts 2 & 3 on Plan 53R-17387, Unit 16 & Part Units 13 & 15 on Plan D-132 being Parts 1, 3 & 4 on Plan 53R-5227,Parts 1-5, Plan SR-3534, Part 2, Plan 53R-17475, Part Lot 5, Concession 4, Township of McKim as outlined in the report entitled “40 Elm Street, Sudbury”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Planning Committee meeting on August 12, 2024.

    YEAS: (4)Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Cormier, Councillor Landry-Altmann, and Councillor Fortin
    NAYS: (1)Councillor Leduc
    CARRIED (4 to 1)
  • Rules of Procedure

    Councillor Cormier moved to waive reading of the resolution. 


    The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fortin

    Resolution Regarding the Zoning By-law Amendment

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves the application by Vista Sudbury Hotel Inc. to change the zoning classification on the subject lands from “C6”, Downtown Commercial to “C6(S)”, Downtown Commercial Special on lands described as PINs 02138-0196(LT) & 02138-0159(LT), Part Unit 1 on Plan D-132 being Part 5 on Plan 53R-17387, Units 3-10, 14 & 20-22 on Plan D-132 except Parts 2 & 3 on Plan 53R-17387, Unit 16 & Part Units 13 & 15 on Plan D-132 being Parts 1, 3 & 4 on Plan 53R-5227,Parts 1-5, Plan SR-3534, Part 2, Plan 53R-17475, Part Lot 5, Concession 4, Township of McKim as outlined in the report entitled “40 Elm Street, Sudbury”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Planning Committee meeting on August 12, 2024, subject to the following conditions:

    1. That the amending zoning by-law include the following site-specific provisions:

    1. In addition to the uses permitted in the “C6”, Downtown Commercial zone, a warehouse and commercial self-storage facility shall be permitted;
    2. A warehouse and commercial self-storage facility use shall have a maximum gross floor area of 7,020 square metres; and
    3. A warehouse and commercial self-storage facility use shall only be located on the main floor of the mall; and
    4. A public indoor commercial concourse shall be maintained with a minimum of 6.0 m of commercial retail space abutting the corridor to preserve the commercial characteristics of the mall concourse.
    YEAS: (4)Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Cormier, Councillor Landry-Altmann, and Councillor Fortin
    NAYS: (1)Councillor Leduc
    CARRIED (4 to 1)

    As no public comment, written or oral, has been received, there was no effect on the Planning Committee’s decision. 

The Planning Committee was adjourned, and the Public Hearing was opened to deal with the application:

Joel Castonguay, the applicant was present. 

Bailey Chabot, Senior Planner, outlined the report. 

Councillor Leduc departed at 3:16 p.m.

The applicant provided comments. 

The Chair asked whether there was anyone who wished to speak in favour or against the application and hearing none:

The Public Hearing was closed, and the Planning Committee resumed to discuss and vote on the application.

Rules of Procedure

Councillor Cormier moved to waive the reading of the resolution. 


  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Fortin
    Seconded ByCouncillor Lapierre

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves the application by Joel and Josee Castonguay to amend Zoning By-law 2010-100Z in order to extend the use of a garden suite in accordance with Section 39.1(4) of the Planning Act for a temporary period of three (3) years, on lands described as PIN 73351-0243, Parcel 16518B, Part Lot 6, Concession 4, Township of Balfour as outlined in the report titled “2548 McKenzie Road, Chelmsford”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Planning Committee meeting on August 12, 2024, subject to the following conditions:

    1. That prior to the enactment of the amending zoning by-law, the Owner shall finalize the building permit for the garden suite to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official;
    2. That conditional approval shall lapse on February 12, 2025 unless Condition #1 above has been met or an extension has been granted by Council.
    YEAS: (4)Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Cormier, Councillor Landry-Altmann, and Councillor Fortin
    Absent (1)Councillor Leduc
    CARRIED (4 to 0)

    As no public comment, written or oral, has been received, there was no effect on the Planning Committee’s decision.

The Planning Committee was adjourned, and the Public Hearing was opened to deal with the application: 

Keith Laframboise, the agent for the applicant was present. 

Stephanie Poirier, Senior Planner, outlined the report. 

The Chair asked whether there was anyone who wished to speak in favour or against the application and hearing none:

The Public Hearing was closed, and the Planning Committee resumed to discuss and vote on the application.

Rules of Procedure

Councillor Cormier moved to waive reading of the resolution.


  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Lapierre
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fortin

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves the application by 1840272 Ontario Inc., and 1323318 Ontario Inc. to amend Zoning By-law 2010-100Z by changing the zoning classification from “RU” Rural Zone to the “RU(18) Rural Special” Zone, on lands described as PINs 73479-0566 and 73479-0195, Lot 9, Concession 5, and Plan 53R-21665 Part 1, Township of Dill, as outlined in the report entitled “0 Highway 69, Sudbury”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Planning Committee meeting on August 12th, 2024, subject to the following conditions:

    1. A Holding symbol which shall not be removed by the City of Greater Sudbury until the following conditions have been addressed:
      1. The owner shall have completed an amendment to the site plan agreement with the City and said site plan control agreement shall be registered on title to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services;
      2. The owner shall apply for and obtain all necessary building permits in accordance with the Ontario Building Code on PINS 73479-0566 and 73479-0195 to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official; and
      3. That an MTO Commercial Entrance permit be obtained, to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Transportation.

    Until such time as the H symbol has been removed, the only permitted uses shall be those legally existing on the date that the amending by-law comes into effect.

    1. That the amending zoning by-law include the following additional site-specific provisions to the “RU(18)” Zone:
      1. In addition to the uses permitted in a RU(18) Zone, a warehouse and related accessory uses including shipping and storage containers shall also be permitted;
      2. Shipping and storage containers shall only be permitted in the rear and interior side yards;
      3. In addition to the uses permitted in a RU(18) Zone, a taxi stand shall also be permitted;
      4. In addition to the uses permitted in a RU(18) Zone, outdoor storage as an accessory use associated with a Salvage Business shall also be permitted;
      5. Outdoor storage shall only be located in the rear and interior side yards. No opaque fence screening is required;
      6. The minimum lot frontage for existing buildings and structures as of the date of passing by-law is 2.9 m.
    YEAS: (4)Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Cormier, Councillor Landry-Altmann, and Councillor Fortin
    Absent (1)Councillor Leduc
    CARRIED (4 to 0)

    As no public comment, written or oral, has been received, there was no effect on the Planning Committee’s decision.

The Planning Committee was adjourned, and the Public Hearing was opened to deal with the application:

Melanie and Shane Parker, the applicants were present.

Stephanie Poirier, Senior Planner, outlined the report.

The Chair asked whether there was anyone who wished to speak in favour or against the application and hearing none:

The Public Hearing was closed, and the Planning Committee resumed to discuss and vote on the application.

Rules of Procedure

Councillor Cormier moved to waive reading of the resolution. 


  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Fortin
    Seconded ByCouncillor Lapierre

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves the application by Shane & Melanie Parker to amend Bylaw 2010-100Z being the Zoning By-law for the City of Greater Sudbury by changing the zoning on the subject lands from “RS” Rural Shoreline and “OSC” Open Space Conservation to the “RS(S)” Rural Shoreline Special Zone on those lands described as PIN 73519-0299 and Part PIN 73519-0148 East of Kukagami Lake Road, Township of Rathburn, as outlined in the report entitled “206 Kukagami Lake Road” from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Planning Committee meeting of August 12, 2024, subject to the following condition:

            1. That the amending zoning by-law include the following site-specific provisions:

      1. A minimum lot area of 1,380 m2, whereas the minimum required is 8,000 m2;
      2. A minimum front yard setback of 4.8 m for the single detached dwelling, whereas the minimum required is 10 m;
      3. A minimum interior side yard setback of 1.2 m for the single detached dwelling, whereas the minimum required is 3 m;
      4. A highwater mark setback of 12 m for the single detached dwelling, whereas the minimum required is 30 m;
      5. A single detached dwelling and accessory building within the shoreline buffer area, whereas within the shoreline buffer area, whereas only gazebos, boathouses, docks, decks, stairs, water pumps, saunas, boat launches, marine railways, waterlines and heat pump loops are permitted within the shoreline buffer area;
      6. An accessory building located in the front yard with a 1 m setback from the front lot line, whereas accessory buildings are permitted in the rear or interior yard with a 1.2 m setback;
      7. A highwater mark setback of 5.4 m for the accessory building, whereas the minimum required is 30 m; and
      8. a maximum of 29% clearance of natural vegetation along the shoreline, whereas a maximum of 25% not exceeding 23 m in length is permitted.
    YEAS: (4)Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Cormier, Councillor Landry-Altmann, and Councillor Fortin
    Absent (1)Councillor Leduc
    CARRIED (4 to 0)

    As no public comment, written or oral, has been received, there was no effect on the Planning Committee’s decision.

Councillor Lapierre, as Chair of the Closed Session, reported that the Committee met in Closed Session to deal with two Proposed or Pending Acquisition or Disposition of Land Matters, the first regarding Larch Street, Sudbury, and the second regarding Ramsey Lake Road, Sudbury, in accordance with Municipal Act, 2001, par 239 (2)(c). Two (2) recommendations emanated from the meeting.

  • The following resolution was presented:


    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury authorize the sale of an easement over and across part of 110 Larch Street, Sudbury, legally described as part of PIN 73584-0115(LT), part of Lot 56, Block A, Plan 3SA, Township of McKim, City of Greater Sudbury; 

    AND THAT the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to prepare a by-law to authorize the sale of easement and execution of documents required to complete the real estate transaction; 

    AND THAT the net proceeds of the sale be credited to the Capital Financing Reserve Fund – General. 

    Rules of Procedure

    Councillor Fortin presented the following amendment:

  • PL2024-121-A1
    Moved ByCouncillor Fortin
    Seconded ByCouncillor Lapierre

    THAT the resolution be amended to include "at fair market value" after the words "sale of easement" in the first paragraph of the resolution.


    Rules of Procedure

    Councillor Cormier moved to waive reading of the resolution. 

  • The resolution as amended was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Lapierre
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fortin

    As Amended:

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury authorize the sale of an easement at fair market value over and across part of 110 Larch Street, Sudbury, legally described as part of PIN 73584-0115(LT), part of Lot 56, Block A, Plan 3SA, Township of McKim, City of Greater Sudbury; 

    AND THAT the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to prepare a by-law to authorize the sale of easement and execution of documents required to complete the real estate transaction; 

    AND THAT the net proceeds of the sale be credited to the Capital Financing Reserve Fund – General. 

  • Councillor Landry-Altmann departed at 3:29 p.m.

    The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Lapierre
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fortin

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury authorize a lease agreement, by way of grant for nominal consideration, with the Navy League of Canada (Ontario Division) for the continued use of land municipally known as 182 Ramsey Lake Road and with the Sudbury Yacht Club for the continued use of land municipally known as 190 Ramsey Lake Road, for a further term of ten years; 

    AND THAT the City of Greater Sudbury directs staff to prepare the by-laws to authorize the lease agreements and the execution of the agreements.

    YEAS: (3)Councillor Lapierre, Councillor Cormier, and Councillor Fortin
    Conflict (1)Councillor Landry-Altmann
    Absent (1)Councillor Leduc
    CARRIED (3 to 0)

    Councillor Landry-Altmann returned at 3:30 p.m.


  • The following resolution was presented:

    Moved ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fortin

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves Consent Agenda items 10.1.1 to 10.1.2.


    The following are the consent agenda items:


  • PL2024-124
    Moved ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fortin

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury approves the application by Ronald Belanger to extend the conditional approval of rezoning application File # 751-5/16-01 on lands described as PINs 73347-0509, 73347-0774, 73347-0776, 73347-0911, 73347-1631, Lots 6 to 9, Plan M-956, Parts 1, 2, 5, & 6, Plan 53R-19705, Lot 11, Concession 3, Township of Rayside, for a period of one (1) year to June 14, 2025, as outlined in the report entitled “120 Radisson Avenue, Chelmsford Extension”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Planning Committee meeting on August 12, 2024.

  • PL2024-125
    Moved ByCouncillor Landry-Altmann
    Seconded ByCouncillor Fortin

    THAT the City of Greater Sudbury’s delegated official be directed to amend the conditions of draft approval for a plan of subdivision on those lands described as PINs 73561-0258, 73561-0261 & 73561-0264, Lots 9 & 10, Concession 4, Township of Neelon, File # 780-6/10002, in the report entitled “Jack Nicholas Business & Innovation Subdivision, Sudbury Extension”, from the General Manager of Growth and Infrastructure, presented at the Planning Committee meeting on August 12, 2024, as follows:

    • By replacing Condition #10 with the following:

             “10. That this draft approval shall lapse on October 26, 2026.”

    • In Condition #18, by adding the following to the list of stormwater management report requirements:

             “A hierarchical approach to stormwater management must be followed as described by the Ministry of the Environment,                   Conservation and Parks and as amended by City of Greater Sudbury most recent Stormwater Management Guide and                       Engineering Design Standards”




No Motions were presented.



No Addendum was presented.



No Petitions were submitted.



No Questions were asked.



Councillor Fortin moved to adjourn the meeting. Time: 3:31 p.m.


No Item Selected